How to Get and Awaken Shark V4 in Blox Fruits

How to Get and Awaken Shark V4 in Blox Fruits

When it comes to the virtual world of Roblox, the game “Blox Fruits” has carved a unique niche with its immersive gameplay and interesting updates. One of the most sought-after aspects in this game is how to get Shark V4, a powerful upgrade that can significantly enhance your gameplay.

The Shark V4 in Blox Fruits has been introduced in the game-changing V4 patch, offering an intriguing questline that allows you to awaken your race. Let’s break down this process and help you navigate your way towards acquiring Shark V4 in the game.

What is Shark V4 in Roblox Blox Fruits?

Blox Fruits offers an adventurous journey to its players, with each upgrade and patch introducing new elements that enrich the gaming experience. Shark V4, one of the latest updates, is a testament to this ongoing evolution.

This update isn’t just another add-on; it brings an engaging questline that compels the players to unravel a series of mysteries, fight formidable opponents, and eventually evolve their race to its V4 version. It’s a journey that’s both exciting and challenging.

How to Get and Awaken Shark V4 in Roblox Blox Fruits?

Before we delve into the specifics of how to get Shark V4, let’s talk about what you need to have under your belt. Firstly, you must already possess Shark V3 to progress towards Shark V4.

To get to Shark V3, you need to have achieved Shark V2, which can be done by completing the Alchemist’s Quest after finishing the Colosseum Quest. Subsequently, Shark V3 can be acquired by completing arowe’s Quest, where you’re required to defeat a naturally spawned Sea Beast.

Prerequisites for the Shark V4 quest

The prerequisites for the Shark V4 quest are not just about having the previous versions. To embark on this quest, you also need to possess all three types of Haki Colors. Additionally, an item named Mirror Fractal is needed for this quest, which can be acquired by defeating the Dough King raid boss. Consider these prerequisites as a kind of preparatory phase before the real adventure begins.

Temple of Time Puzzle

Once you’re equipped with the necessary prerequisites, the first major challenge to get Shark V4 is the Temple of Time puzzle. The quest starts with a 1v1 battle with the rip_Indra NPC, initiated by placing the God’s Chalice on a pedestal inside the Castle on the Sea. The triumph over rip_Indra rewards you with the King Red Head tablet, which provides the guidance needed for the next step.

Upon following the King Red Head tablet’s instructions, you’ll find yourself interacting with the Mysterious Force, located atop the Great Tree in the third sea. This interaction transports you to the enigmatic Temple of Time, where you’ll need to momentarily leave to acquire a Blue Gear. This Blue Gear is found on Mirage Island during a full moon, which your trusty King Red Head tablet will help you locate.

Trial of Water Puzzle

The next crucial challenge is the Trial of Water puzzle. It requires the collaboration of two friends who have different races from yours in the game. The challenge commences on a full moon, with each player standing in front of doors designated to their races. A triumphant battle against the Sea Beast inside the door leads you back to the main room, where another face-off awaits.

Awakening the Shark Race

Following the final duel, an orb appears. This orb acts as a guide, leading you to the Ancient Tower where the final awakening of the Shark race to Shark V4 takes place. This captivating process of race evolution adds a unique dimension to the gaming experience of Blox Fruits.

Additional Information

While this guide provides a roadmap to get Shark V4 in Blox Fruits, it’s important to remember that elements like the Mirror Fractal and the King Red Head play crucial roles in your journey. The Mirror Fractal, for instance, can be obtained from the Dough King raid boss. Similarly, the King Red Head can be found in the prisoners’ cell in the Second Sea.

Also, remember that Mirage Islands, which play a role in the quest, are rare marine events in the Third Sea and have a tendency to disappear after 15 minutes or if no other players are present.