Evony Prestige Ranks Guide and Requirements

Evony Prestige Ranks Guide and Requirements

The prestige system in Evony rewards players for completing various tasks. In Evony, obtaining a high prestige Rank provides a variety of advantages. It can be quite difficult to obtain a high prestige rank because the entire server competes for the same ranks.

Evony Prestige Rank Requirements

RankServer Ranking
Regent3M 3

In Evony, there are seven prestige ranks, and the number of players in each prestige rank is limited. The greater your prestige rank, the greater your benefits and rewards. Due to the dominance of pay-to-win players, it can be very difficult to reach the top three ranks.

Evony Prestige Ranks Rewards

Regent Training Speed +70%
Healing Speed +70%
March Speed +70%
General Capacity +8
Sub-city Capacity +6
March Size Capacity +100k
Trap Building Speed +70%
ArchdukeTraining Speed +50%
Healing Speed +50%
March Speed +50%
General Capacity +6
Sub-city Capacity +6
March Size Capacity +50k
Trap Building Speed +50%
DukeTraining Speed +30%
Healing Speed +30%
March Speed +30%
General Capacity +4
Sub-city Capacity +5
March Size Capacity +30k
Trap Building Speed +30%
EarlTraining Speed +20%
Healing Speed +20%
March Speed +20%
General Capacity +3
Sub-city Capacity +4
March Size Capacity +20k
Trap Building Speed +20%
ViscountTraining Speed +15%
Healing Speed +15%
March Speed +15%
General Capacity +2
Sub-city Capacity +3
March Size Capacity +15k
Trap Building Speed +15%
BaronTraining Speed +10%
Healing Speed +10%
March Speed +10%
General Capacity +1
Sub-city Capacity +2
March Size Capacity +10k
Trap Building Speed +10%
KnightTraining Speed +5%
Healing Speed +5%
March Speed +5%
Sub-city Capacity +1
March Size Capacity +5k
Trap Building Speed +5%

The privileges and advantages that come with achieving prestige ranks are well worth the effort required to achieve them.

How to get Prestige in Evony

How to get Prestige in Evony

If you want to be one of the top 50 players on the prestige leaderboard, you need to be familiar with all of the different methods that are available to you in Evony for achieving prestige ranks. If you are a new player or a free-to-play player, you will struggle to get there due to the intense competition and the large number of pay-to-win players who will easily surpass you. This does not preclude you from earning as many prestige points as possible.

In Evony, you can earn prestige through building, researching, training troops, combat, and a variety of other activities. There are other in-game activities that will provide you with a respectable amount of prestige, however, as the ones listed above will not provide you with a significant amount.

Normal boss monsters– They can be killed for a respectable amount of prestige. This is problematic because it is time-consuming and requires considerable stamina. But if you have extra stamina and time, you can do this to increase your prestige rank significantly.

Monsters- Destroying map-based monsters is also a great way to increase your prestige ranks. It is quicker because it does not require rallying. It is up to you to decide whether you should eliminate the normal bosses or the monsters.

Shrine- This is an excellent structure where you can offer gems or tribute in exchange for a respectable amount of prestige. There are sixteen distinct levels of offerings in the Shrine, and they reset daily. Consider twice before spending gems on a shrine because gems are rare and difficult to obtain. Also, you can obtain tributes from the alliance shop, the black market, the wheel of fortune, and the relic chamber, so be sure to complete all of these tasks.

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