How to Upgrade Lord Level Fast

How to Upgrade Lord Level Fast

Lord upgrades constitute a significant aspect of the Infinity Kingdom game. However, being a beginner, you might find it difficult to level up your Lord. 

Some players consider it a crucial component that can help you get resources and reward points quickly. Moreover, there are simple ways to upgrade your Lord level fast

So, what are they? 

This guide will take you through the easy methods by which you can level up your Lord! 

Leveling Up Your Lord – The Importance 

One of the main reasons to level up your Lord is to get goodies. 

You can access the high-level spots with your leveled-up Lord. Here you can gather incredible strength to conquer the weak Lords! 

The upgrades will not only give you resources but also boost the performance of your Lord. 

You get performance points, which you can invest in your talent builds. Therefore, depending on your strategy, you either focus on city production or combat. 

Doing missions will give you experience points which you can use to upgrade your Lord. Moreover, it will be beneficial to utilize these tricks and win every combat you are in! 

This way, you can compete for power and honor on the battlefield. 

Upgrading Your Lord Level in Two Simple Steps

If you want to get rewards, gain experience points and have high-level resource spots, follow these steps: 

Step 1: Daily Missions – Your Stepping Stone

Completing daily missions will earn you experience points. However, you can only do them once per day. (They reset at midnight!)

You need to follow these simple tasks and complete them within 24 hours: 

  • Training your troops 
  • Healing your troops 
  • Building upgrades 
  • Well of Time campaign completion 
  • Using a resource booster
  • Summoning immortals 
  • Farming gnomes and killing bosses 
  • Expedition for your ship 

You can upgrade your Lord level fast by completing all of these daily missions. 

Step 2: Completing All the Growth Mission Tasks

Completing All the Growth Mission Tasks

You can complete these easy growth tasks to get a faster upgrade to your Lord. Unlike daily missions, these will remain as you progress throughout the game. 

So, complete the following tasks and always ensure to be on top! 

  • Construction of new buildings 
  • Training new troops 
  • Upgrading existing buildings 
  • Advanced summons (only in Hall of Immortals) 
  • Defeating gnomes 
  • Purchasing new items 
  • Research technology 
  • Strengthening equipment and gathering resources 

The higher your Nobility Rank is, the more gems you can get. 

Getting More Experience Points

As mentioned earlier, experience points can get you incredible rewards. But, how do you get these points? 

All you have to do is perform the daily and growth missions. Moreover, doing them at the same time will ensure maximized growth. (Some of the missions are similar in both!)

Daily missions will reset at 00:00:00 UTC, so you would have to wait for the next day. With these missions, you can enhance your Lord’s experience points. 

The game becomes tougher as you level up. Hence, the missions will also get harder. 

In addition, the Lord’s levels become longer and challenging to cross. You will see that the experience requirement increases. 

Along with that, you will also have more missions to collect these points with every patch update and feature. 

Summing Up 

As you can see, completing missions will ensure that your Lord’s Level increases faster than your enemies. 

Doing these level-ups will earn you rewards and exclusive gems. Moreover, these missions will give you experience points which you can use for the upgrade. It will help you build better infrastructure and have an advantage during combat. 

So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your Lord level fast with the help of these tips!