The Walking Dead Survivors Buildings Guide

The Walking Dead Survivors Buildings Guide

You will constantly be building in the game The Walking Dead Survivors. Each building is distinct and will benefit you. In Walking Dead Survivors, not all of the buildings will be accessible to you at first, but over time, you can unlock them by raising the level of your Town Hall.

When you increase the level of your Town Hall, new territory inside your base will become available, and there will be new buildings there that you must scout. After you scout it, you’ll need to fight Walker to seize control of that territory.

If you’re a new player, it can be quite difficult to get through it, but with more strength and the best survivors, you can get through it quickly. Once you destroy Walkers in that area you will take control of the building and you will be able to start repairing and upgrading it.

Resources building

Resources building The Walking Dead Survivors

Once you’ve cleared the area and upgraded your Town Hall, you can build a wide variety of resources and structures. Your production will increase once you start building resources, and the more you upgrade them, the more resources you will get per hour.

Farm- A farm is a structure where food is produced that you can use for almost everything. You will be able to produce more food if you have more farms. Additionally, you can construct a vegetable barn to safeguard your resources from enemy attacks.

Timber- Another resource production building that you’ll need is the timber building. You will almost always use the wood that is produced by it. You can construct lumber storage to safeguard your wood.

Well- It is a building that will increase weather production. You can construct a water tower to protect the water.

Butcher Shop- Meat that is necessary for training troops will be produced in the butcher shop. You can construct a meat locker to shield the meat from an attacker.

Weapon Shop- This is a crucial structure that will produce bullets. As you upgrade it, the number of bullets it produces increases. You can construct a Merchant to defend your bullets from attackers. You can buy some awesome items from the trader inside the merchant, who can be found there. Depending on your needs, you should decide what to buy from a merchant, but avoid buying resource items because they are not worthwhile.

Combat Buildings

Combat Buildings

You can construct a number of different military structures. You can train units that you can use in battle with each of them. You will be able to place survivors in military buildings once you have upgraded them to level 12 to boost training. In essence, it will quicken training, so it is critical to place survivors inside.

Another way to increase training is to build apartments. The rate of troop training will accelerate with each apartment upgrade. Military structures include stables, police stations, and fire stations.

The watchtower is a structure that will gather intelligence about The watchtower is a structure that will gather intelligence about You can now see who is attacking you and with what units, which is fantastic. You will learn more about the attacker as your Watchtower’s levels increase.


Hospital The Walking Dead Survivors

One of the most significant structures in The Walking Dead Survivors is the hospital. The number of founded troops you can take and the healing time increase with each hospital upgrade. Always keep an eye on the hospital while fighting because once it fills up, your injured soldiers will begin to die.

Guard Tower and Wall

Your base’s defenses will be provided by the Guard Tower and Wall structures. They will strengthen the defenses around your base and damage any attackers. Therefore, be sure to upgrade it as much as you can. Don’t forget to place survivors inside them as well to boost your base’s defense and damage.

Exploration camp

A structure called an exploration camp enables you to send survivors to search the map. You can find some fantastic free rewards when you search a map, and you can also explore enemy cities to see what kind of units they have there. To increase the speed of exploration all you have to do is increase the level of the exploration camp.