Cid Talent Tree Build and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Cid Talent Tree Build and Guide Age of Empires Mobile

Unit Type:
Secondary Strike

Cid Stats:
Might: 221.32+1.06
Armor: 163.33+0.78
Strategy: 171.49+0.82
Siege: 122.07+0.51

Cid is Legendary Cavalry hero in Age of Empires Mobile. His specialties and talent tree are Marshal, Attack and Secondary Strike.

  • Lackluster commander skill for Marshal cavalry.
  • Signature skill and stars unimpressive.
  • Occasional 1v1 Utility: Some players try Cid with El Cid–Bushra combos, but the synergy is too niche.
  • Generally overshadowed by cavalry heroes like Attila, Mulan, or Hannibal.

Cid Skill Build

  1. Anthem-of-the-Knight Anthem of the Knight
  2. Patriotism Patriotism
  3. Roar-of-Victory Roar of Victory
  4. Double-Attack Double Attack

Best Cid Pairings

When it comes to pairings for Cid, you can pair him with any Marshal that uses Cavalry units. For the best Cid synergy pairing, we recommend Tariq-Icon Tariq, BushraIcon Bushra and Attila-The-Hun Attila.

Cid Talent Tree Build

Coming Soon.

Cid Skills

Anthem-of-the-Knight Anthem of the Knight: Commander skill (Commander skill) Reduces the target’s movement speed by 4.47% (might bonus) for 12s, reduces the hero’s all damage taken from the target by 5.96% (might bonus), and reduces the target’s healing effect by 45% for 9s. Grants 100 initial rage upon entering battle.

Patriotism Patriotism: Signature skill (Signature skill) After launching a normal attack, deals 1 instance of might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 104.30%, might bonus). Deals 1 extra instance of might damage if the target is in the slow state (damage rate: 104.30%, might bonus).

Armor-Piercera Armor Piercer: After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and reduces all enemy heroes’ armor by 14.90 for 3s.

Infuriation Infuriation: After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 55.75%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s might by 14.90 for 3s.

Roar-of-Victory Roar of Victory: After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 107.28%, might bonus) and increases your troop’s rage by 7.17.

Double-Attack Double Attack: Enters the double attack state and increases the hero’s might, strategy, and armor by 4.04 for 3s.

Furious-Charge Furious Charge: Every time the hero activates their signature skill (except for passive skills), increases the hero’s might damage by 3.94%. Up to 5 stacks.

Weak-Spot-Attack Weak Spot: Attack After launching a normal attack, deals might damage to the enemy troop (damage rate: 74.74%, might bonus) and increases the hero’s damage by 6.06% (might bonus) for 3s.