Plaza Guide in Dislyte

Plaza Guide in Dislyte

Plaza in Dislyte is where you can spend money to purchase in-game packs. It is the same as in almost every mobile game, and the Lilith game is popular for in-game transactions and the amount of stuff available for purchase.

We understand that in-game packs are a way for developers to be supported, but they are widening the gap between free-to-play players and spenders.

It is entirely up to you whether you are willing to spend money on mobile games.

Plaza in Dislyte has a limited number of options and packs. They are divided into three categories: gift packs, recharge, and resources.

Gift Packs

Gift packs Dislyte

There are several different gift packs to choose from. Each pack contains a unique set of items.

The LVL 5 growth pack is the best gift pack you can buy. It is the cheapest and provides the best value for your money. It contains e-cash, Nexus crystals, and, most importantly, two gold records. Gold records are essential for leveling up your espers. So it’s worthwhile to choose this pack every day.

The Newbie Deluxe pack is the next one to consider. It is quite expensive, but it contains Divina that is difficult to obtain, particularly legendary Divina, as well as legendary relics that you will require if you want to have strong espers and progress in dislyte. Overall, if you have extra money to spend, this is a great pack to purchase.

The rest of the packs aren’t worth it; they’re only for players with deep pockets who can spend a lot of money.


Recharge super bonus dislyte

A recharge is a location in the plaza where you can obtain your nexus crystals. Packs are expensive and only worth it the first time you buy them because you get double nexus crystals.

There is also a super bonus, which is a monthly card worth 3300 Nexus crystals in total. Purchasing this on a monthly basis is completely worth it. You will accumulate a large number of nexus crystals over time, and pack is not particularly expensive.


Resources in plaza

This is a section of the plaza where you will spend nexus crystals instead of money. There are numerous options, but only three are worthwhile: gold record, stamina, and 5 admission certificates.

The gold record will give you espers, stamina points will allow you to progress in different game modes and earn rewards from there, and admission certificates are worthwhile if you want to advance in a point war.


The pack is a way to support developers, but it creates a significant gap between players. Most packs are not worth it and are too expensive, but a few are, such as the LVL 5 growth pack and super bonus, which will give you 3300 crystals each month. Spend only what you can afford; in the end, as a free-to-play player, you can progress quickly if you put forth effort and commitment.