Best Dislyte Team Compositions 2025

Best Dislyte Team Compositions

We all know that in Dislyte you can use 5 heroes per battle so it is important that you build a great team. The problem is that there are a lot of heroes in Dislyte, making it difficult, if not impossible, to build a perfect team. To build the best Dislyte comps, you must consider what espers you have, what skills they have, whether you need support or DPS Espers, whether you are fighting other players or Kronos, Apep, and so on. There are so many factors at the end it also depends on what espers you have. Because you will not have all of them, it is difficult for us to put together a perfect team for you.

One more issue is that just because your team comps work well in Spatial Tower does not mean they will work well in Kronos. When it comes to team building, the best thing to do is use the Dislyte Tier List to see who your best espers are and then follow the formula down below.

  • Story – 2-3 DPS, 2-3 Healers/Supporters
  • Spatial tower– 2 DPS that have AOE skills, 3 Healers/Supporters
  • Kronos– 2 DPS, 3 Healers/Supporters, any Esper with control abilities
  • Apep– 2-3 DPS, 2-3 Healers/Supporters, Espers with dispelling skills and immunity buffs
  • Fafnir– 1-2 DPS, 3-4 Healers/Supporters, Epsers with defense buffing and debuff cleansing
  • Cube Miracle– 2-3 DPS, 2-3 Healers/Supporters, Espers with a high amount of SPD

Dislyte Best Comps - Team Building

Esper 1Esper 2Esper 3Esper 4Esper 5Game Mode
Lauren Sally Li Ling Lin Xiao Ye Suhua

Spatial Tower Team
Gabrielle Asenath Li Ling Lin Xiao Ye Suhua

Spatial Tower Team
SanderLu YIBereniceTang YunHeng YueFafnir Team
Gabrielle Lu YITang YunZelmerSally Fafnir Team
SanderFabrice Li LingLin XiaoYe Suhua
Fafnir Team
SanderYe Suhua
Lin XiaoChloeUnky ChaiFafnir Team
Sander Lin Xiao MelanieEiraFreddyFafnir Team
Gabrielle Narmer Lin Xiao Ye Suhua
ChloeApep Team
Sally Chloe Lin Xiao DrewYe Suhua
Apep Team
JacobMonaChloeChang PuYe Suhua
Apep Team
SanderMelanie Lin Xiao FreddyEiraKronos Team
SanderChloeUnky ChaiYe Suhua
Lin Xiao Kronos Team
SanderNarmerUnky ChaiLin XiaoYe Suhua
Kronos Team
MonaLin XiaoChloeDonarYe Suhua
Kronos Team
MelanieRavenSanderYe Suhua
Gabrielle Point War
MelanieGabrielle FabriceSanderYe Suhua
Point War
DonarAsenathGabrielle Ye Suhua
SallyPoint War
DonarSallyYe Suhua
AsenathRen SiPoint War

Here you will find some of the good team cops in the game right now for various game modes. We will add more in the future because the game is new and many more tests must be performed. However, with this team composition, you will not have too many struggles. Stay tuned for more Dislyte team comps in the future as we conduct additional testing. Please see our guide on How to Download Dislyte on PC, which is a great thing because you will be able to use your mobile phone while your Espers are auto battling on PC.