How to Download and Play Merge Dragons on PC 2025

How to Download and Play Merge Dragons on PC

We all know Merge Dragons as the automatically downloaded game on your phone. Not to mention it is one of the most addicting games for free out there. So imagine playing Merge Dragons on your PC, with better performance and a bigger screen room, for free! 

Below we have put together a guide on downloading and playing Merge Dragons on PC with Bluestacks. Not only do we offer the steps, but we also cover how to use Bluestacks to download Merge Dragons. So let’s take a look!

How to Download and Play Merge Dragons on PC [Steps]

Steps Download and Play Merge Dragons on PC

Bluestacks is known to be the safest and most efficient emulator to download Merge Dragons on PC. Below we will have a more detailed explanation of how to download and play Merge Dragons.

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to download Merge Dragons on PC through Bluestacks:

Download Merge Dragons on Bluestacks

Bluestacks is one of the most recommended emulators to download mobile apps onto your computer. Not only is Bluestacks known to be relatively safe and the most professional with the best performance.

Before anything, make sure you go to the official download page of Merge Dragons on Bluestacks

official download page of Merge Dragons on Bluestacks

Locate the “Play Merge Dragons! on PC”

Once on the main page, select the button that suggests “Play Merge Dragons! on PC”. From here, your computer will download the file of Bluestacks into your files. Make sure you go to your files or browser and click on the downloaded file to run it. 

After running the Bluestacks installer, click “install now” on the installer window. Give it time to install, which might take a couple of minutes.

Download Merge Dragons on the Bluestacks Platform

Once Bluestacks has been downloaded, you will be directed to the Bluestacks main page. From there, you will see a large banner saying Merge Dragons!, which should be with an install button. 

Once you click this button, it will redirect you to Google Play. Make sure you are signed into Google Play to continue the steps. 

If you did not see the banner for Merge Dragons, you could search for it under “most popular.” 

Download Merge Dragons Through Google Play

Once you are directed to Google Play on the Merge Dragons home page, select “install,” a green button on the right-hand corner. 

Let the game install, which will take a couple of minutes, depending on your internet speed. 

Click the Merge Dragons Icon on Blue stack’s Main Page

Once Merge Dragons are downloaded, you can either select “play” from the google play location or locate it on the main page of Bluestacks. If downloaded correctly, it should show up for you on Bluestacks. 

Downloading Merge Dragons Breakdown

Here is the breakdown of steps to download Merge Dragons:

  1. First, go to the Merge Dragons! Download on Bluestacks.
  2. Press the button “Play Merge Dragons! on PC.”
  3. Save and Initiate the Bluestacks installer.
  4. Download Merge Dragons on the Bluestack Platform.
  5. Click the Merge Dragons! The icon on the Bluestacks homepage.

Why Play Merge Dragons on PC?

Why Play Merge Dragons on PC

Playing Merge Dragons on PC has many benefits compared to playing it on mobile. The game has many different components that require a lot of attention, which sometimes means having a bigger screen is more beneficial. 

It is also better for performance and overall gameplay experience to be smoother and more accurate for the player. Not to mention the familiar feeling most PC gamers experience playing any game on their computer outmatches their experience on mobile games. 

Not everyone is a PC gamer which is entirely okay! You do not need a high-tech computer to run a simple game like this, so get with it and have fun!

What is Bluestacks?

Bluestack is an emulator platform that allows you to connect your phone to the PC to give you all of the benefits your phone usually offers besides calling or texting. In addition, you can access apps through Bluestacks that are already downloaded and use them directly on your PC.

On Bluestacks, you also can add applications to download directly from APK files that you have downloaded from third-party websites or app stores (like APKPure).