Genshin Impact Ayaka Build Guide 2025

Genshin Impact Ayaka Build

Ayaka Rating and Info

Rarity: ★★★★★
Specialties: Main DPS
Element: Cryo
Weapon: Sword
Tier List Rating: SS

Stats Lvl 80

HP: 11954
ATK: 341
DEF: 729
CRIT DMG 88.4%

Best Ayaka Builds

Ayaka is one of the strongest Main DPS characters in Genshin Impact. There are a lot of different builds and roles for Ayaka, but most players are using Main DPS builds. She is considered the best DPS character in the game. She is able to deal insane amounts of damage. So if you have her, make sure that you use her. Ayaka is the SS-tier character in Genshin Impact.

Best Ayaka Weapons

Mistsplitter Reforged

Gain a 12/15/18/21/24% Elemental DMG Bonus for every element and receive the might of Mistsplitter’s Emblem. At stack levels 1/2/3, Mistsplitter’s Emblem provides a 8/16/28% // 10/17/35% // 12/18/42% // 14/19/49% // 16/20/56% Elemental DMG Bonus for the character’s Elemental Type. The character will obtain 1 stack of Mistsplitter’s Emblem in each of the following scenarios: Normal Attack deals Elemental DMG (stack lasts 5s), casting Elemental Burst (stack lasts 10s); Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full). Each stack’s duration is calculated independently.

Amenoma Kageuchi

After casting an Elemental Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. This effect can be triggered once every 5s. The Succession Seed lasts for 30s. Up to 3 Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After using an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed and after 2s, the character regenerates 6 Energy for each seed consumed.

Best Ayaka Artifacts

Blizzard Strayer

(2) Cryo DMG Bonus +15%
(4) When a character attacks an enemy affected by Cryo, their CRIT Rate is increased by 20%. If the enemy is Frozen, CRIT Rate is increased by an additional 20%.

Noblesse Oblige

(2) Energy Recharge +20%
(4) Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.

Best Ayaka Team Comps

Character 1Character 2Character 3Character 4

There are a lot of team comps that you can make in Genshin Impact with Ayaka. We recommend team comps that we think are best for Ayaka. There are a lot of different characters, and there is a high chance that you do not have some of them. So you should create your team comps, test them out, and see what is best for you and your playstyle. With that, you will become better at the game, and you will know how your team works.

Ayaka Skills Talents

Kamisato Art: Kabuki: Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a flurry of sword ki.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Kamisato Art: Hyouka: Elemental Skill

Summons blooming ice to launch nearby opponents, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.

Kamisato Art: Soumetsu: Elemental Burst

Summons forth a snowstorm with flawless poise, unleashing a Frostflake Seki no To that moves forward continuously.

Frostflake Seki no To
A storm of whirling icy winds that slashes repeatedly at every enemy it touches, dealing Cryo DMG. The snowstorm explodes after its duration ends, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.

Ayaka Passive Talents

Amatsumi Kunitsumi Sanctification: First Ascension Passive

After using Kamisato Art: Hyouka, Kamisato Ayaka’s Normal and Charged attacks deal 30% increased DMG for 6s.

Kanten Senmyou Blessing: Fourth Ascension Passive

When the Cryo application at the end of Kamisato Art: Senho hits an opponent, Kamisato Ayaka gains the following effects:

  • Restores 10 Stamina
  • Gains 18% Cryo DMG Bonus for 10s.

Fruits of Shinsa: Passive Talent

When Ayaka crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

Ayaka Constellations

Level 1: Snowswept Sakura

When Kamisato Ayaka’s Normal or Charged Attacks deal Cryo DMG to opponents, it has a 50% chance of decreasing the CD of Kamisato Art: Hyouka by 0.3s. This effect can occur once every 0.1s.

Level 2: Blizzard Blade Seki no To

When casting Kamisato Art: Soumetsu, unleashes 2 smaller additional Frostflake Seki no To, each dealing 20% of the original storm’s DMG.

Level 3: Frostbloom Kamifubuki

Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Soumetsu by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 4: Ebb and Flow

Opponents damaged by Kamisato Art: Soumetsu’s Frostflake Seki no To will have their DEF decreased by 30% for 6s.

Level 5: Blossom Cloud Irutsuki

Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Hyouka by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 6: Dance of Suigetsu

Kamisato Ayaka gains Usurahi Butou every 10s, increasing her Charged Attack DMG by 298%. This buff will be cleared 0.5s after Ayaka’s Charged ATK hits an opponent, after which the timer for this ability will restart.

Ayaka Ascension Costs

  • Old Handguard x 18
  • Kageuchi Handguard x 30
  • Famed Handguard x 36
  • Sakura Bloom x 168
  • Perpetual Heart x 46
  • Shivada Jade Sliver x 1
  • Shivada Jade Fragment x 9
  • Shivada Jade Chunk x 9
  • Shivada Jade Gemstone x 6