Genshin Impact Mona Build Guide 2025

Genshin Impact Mona Build

Mona Rating and Info

Rarity: ★★★★★
Specialties: Support
Element: Hydro
Weapon: Catalyst
Release Date: Sep 28, 2020
Tier List Rating: SS

Stats Lvl 80

HP: 9677
ATK: 267
DEF: 607
Energy Recharge 132%

Best Mona Builds

Mona is one of the strongest support characters in Genshin Impact. There are a lot of different builds and roles for Mona, but most players are using support builds, while some use her as a sub-DPS. She is one of the oldest characters, but still, her performance and skills are insane. Mona is the SS-tier character in Genshin Impact.

Best Mona Support Weapons

The Widsith

When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: Increases Base ATK by 60/75/90/105/120% Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48/60/72/84/96% Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240/300/360/420/480

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers

When switching characters, the new character taking the field has their ATK increased by 24/30/36/42/48% for 10s. This effect can only occur once every 20s.

Best Mona Support Artifacts

Emblem of Severed Fate

(2) Energy Recharge +20%
(4) Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.

Noblesse Oblige

(2) Elemental Burst DMG +20%
(4) Using an Elemental Burst increase all party members’ ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.

Best Mona Sub DPS Weapons

The Widsith

When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: Increases Base ATK by 60/75/90/105/120% Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48/60/72/84/96% Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240/300/360/420/480

Skyward Atlas

Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12/15/18/21/24%. Normal Attack hits have a 50% chance to earn the favor of the clouds. which actively seek out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 160/200/240/280/320% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 30s.

Best Mona Artifacts

Wanderer’s Troupe

(2) Elemental Mastery +80

Noblesse Oblige

(2) Elemental Burst DMG +20%

Best Mona Team Comps

Character 1Character 2Character 3Character 4
MonaFischlKuki ShinobuKazuha

There are a lot of team comps that you can make in Genshin Impact with Mona. We recommend team comps that we think are best for Mona. There are a lot of different characters, and there is a high chance that you do not have some of them. So you should create your team comps, test them out, and see what is best for you and your playstyle. With that, you will become better at the game, and you will know how your team works.

Mona Skills Talents

Ripple of Fate: Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Perform up to 4 water splash attacks that deal Hydro DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE Hydro DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the might of Hydro, Mona plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.

Mirror Reflection of Doom: Elemental Skill

Creates an illusory Phantom of fate from coalesced waterspouts. The Phantom has the following special properties:

  • Continuously taunts nearby opponents, attracting their fire.
  • Each second, 4 times, deals AoE Hydro DMG.
  • When its duration expires, the Phantom explodes, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.

Utilizes water currents to move backwards swiftly before conjuring a Phantom Only one Phantom created by Mirror Reflection of Doom can exist at any time.

Stellaris Phantasm: Elemental Burst

Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Bubble status to the opponents in a large AoE.

Illusory Bubble: Traps opponents inside a pocket of destiny and also makes them Wet. Renders weaker opponents immobile. When an opponent affected by Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, it has the following effects:

  • Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, also increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it. Removes the Illusory Bubble, dealing Hydro DMG in the process.
  • Omen: During its duration, increases DMG taken by opponents.

Mona Passive Talents

Illusory Torrent

Alternate Sprint: Mona cloaks herself within the water’s flow, consuming stamina to move rapidly. When under the effect of Illusory Torrent, Mona can move at high speed on water. Applies the Wet status to nearby opponents when she reappears.

Come ‘n’ Get Me, Hag!: First Ascension Passive

After she has used Illusory Torrent for 2s, if there are any enemies nearby, Mona will automatically create a Phantom. A Phantom created in this manner lasts for 2s, and its explosion DMG is equal to 50% of Mirror Reflection of Doom.

Waterborne Destiny: Fourth Ascension Passive

Increases Mona’s Hydro DMG Bonus by a degree equivalent to 20% of her Energy Recharge rate.

Principium of Astrology: Passive Talent

When Mona crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 25% chance to refund one count of one material out of all the crafting materials used.

Mona Constellations

Level 1: Prophecy of Submersion

The effects of Hydro-related Elemental Reactions are enhanced for 8s after a character hits an enemy affected by an Omen:

  • Electro-Charged DMG is increased by 15%.
  • Vaporize DMG is increased by 15%.
  • Hydro Swirl DMG is increased by 15%.
  • The duration for which enemies are Frozen is increased by 15%.

Level 2: Lunar Chain

When a Normal Attack hits, there is a 20% chance that it will be automatically followed by a Charged Attack. This effect can only occur once every 5s.

Level 3: Restless Revolution

Increases the Level of Stellaris Phantasm by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 4: Prophecy of Oblivion

When any party member attacks an opponent affected by an Omen, their CRIT Rate is increased by 15%.

Level 5: Mockery of Fortuna

Increases the Level of Mirror Reflection of Doom by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 6: Rhetorics of Calamitas

Upon entering Illusory Torrent, Mona gains a 60% increase to the DMG of her next Charged Attack per second of movement. A maximum DMG Bonus of 180% can be achieved in this manner. The effect lasts for no more than 8s.

Mona Ascension Costs

  • Whopperflower Nectar x 18
  • Shimmering Nectar x 30
  • Energy Nectar x 36
  • Philanemo Mushroom x 168
  • Cleansing Heart x 46
  • Varunada Lazurite Sliver x 1
  • Varunada Lazurite Fragment x 9
  • Varunada Lazurite Chunk x 9
  • Varunada Lazurite Gemstone x 6