Genshin Impact Xiao Build Guide 2025

Genshin Impact Xiao Build

Xiao Rating and Info

Rarity: ★★★★★
Specialties: Main DPS
Element: Anemo
Weapon: Polearm
Release Date: Feb 03, 2021
Tier List Rating: S

Stats Lvl 80

HP: 11840
ATK: 325
DEF: 743
CRIT Rate 24.2%

Best Xiao Builds

Xiao is extremely strong Main DPS characters in Genshin Impact. There are a lot of different builds and roles for Xiao, but most players are using Main DPS builds. His skills are excellent, they will deal with a lot of AOE damage and on top of that, they will save the stamina consumption of the team. Xiao is the S-tier character in Genshin Impact.

Best Xiao Weapons

Primordial Jade Winged-Spear

On hit, increases ATK by 3.2/3.9/4.6/5.3/6% for 6s. Max 7 stacks. This effect can only occur once every 0.3s. While in possession of the maximum possible stacks, DMG dealt is increased by 12/15/18/21/24%.


If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 16/20/24/28/32% and DEF is increased by 16/20/24/28/32%. If there are less than 2 enemies nearby, ATK is increased by 24/30/36/42/48%.

Best Xiao Artifacts

Vermillion Hereafter

(2) ATK +18%
(4) After using an Elemental Burst. this character will gain the Nascent Light effect, increasing their ATK by 8% for 16s. When the character’s HP decreases, their ATK will further increase by 10%. This increase can occur this way maximum of 4 times. This effect can be triggered once every 0.8s. Nascent Light will be dispelled when the character leaves the field. If an Elemental Burst is used again during the duration of Nascent Light, the original Nascent Light will be dispelled.

Shimenawa’s Reminiscence

(2) ATK +18%

Viridescent Venerer

(2) Gain a 15% Anemo DMG Bonus.

Best Xiao Team Comp

Character 1Character 2Character 3Character 4

There are a lot of team comps that you can make in Genshin Impact with Xiao. We recommend team comps that we think are best for Xiao. There are a lot of different characters, and there is a high chance that you do not have some of them. So you should create your team comps, test them out, and see what is best for you and your playstyle. With that, you will become better at the game, and you will know how your team works.

Xiao Skills Talents

Whirlwind Thrust: Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Performs up to 6 consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward thrust.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground from below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact. Xiao does not take DMG from performing Plunging Attacks.

Lemniscatic Wind Cycling: Elemental Skill

Xiao lunges forward, dealing Anemo DMG to opponents in his path. Can be used in mid-air. Starts with 2 charges.

Bane of All Evil: Elemental Burst

Xiao dons the Yaksha Mask that set gods and demons trembling millennia ago.

Yaksha’s Mask:

  • Greatly increases Xiao’s jumping ability.
  • Increases his attack AoE and attack DMG.
  • Converts attack DMG into Anemo DMG, which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion.

In this state, Xiao will continuously lose HP. The effects of this skill end when Xiao leaves the field.

Xiao Passive Talents

Conqueror of Evil: Tamer of Demons: First Ascension Passive

While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, all DMG dealt by Xiao increases by 5%. DMG increases by a further 5% for every 3s the ability persists. The maximum DMG Bonus is 25%.

Dissolution Eon: Heaven Fall: Fourth Ascension Passive

Using Lemniscatic Wind Cycling increases the DMG of subsequent uses of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 15%. This effect lasts for 7s, and has a maximum of 3 stacks. Gaining a new stack refreshes the effect’s duration.

Transcension Gravity Defier: Passive Talent

Decreases climbing Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Xiao Constellations

Level 1: Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds

Increases Lemniscatic Wind Cycling‘s charges by 1.

Level 2: Annihilation Eon: Blossom of Kaleidos

When in the party and not on the field, Xiao’s Energy Recharge is increased by 25%.

Level 3: Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity

Increases the Level of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 4: Transcension Extinction of Suffering

When Xiao’s HP falls below 50%, he gains a 100% DEF Bonus.

Level 5: Evolution Eon Origin of Ignorance

Increases the Level of Bane of All Evil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 6: Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha

While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, hitting at least 2 opponents with Xiao’s Plunging Attack will immediately grant him 1 charge of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, and for the next 1s, he may use Lemniscatic Wind Cycling while ignoring its CD.

Xiao Ascension Costs

  • Vayuda Turquoise Sliver x 1
  • Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x 9
  • Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x 9
  • Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone x 6
  • Slime Condensate x 18
  • Slime Secretions x 30
  • Slime Concentrate x 36
  • Qingxin x 168
  • Juvenile Jade x 46