Genshin Impact Yoimiya Build Guide 2025

Genshin Impact Yoimiya Build

Yoimiya Rating and Info

Rarity: ★★★★★
Specialties: DPS
Element: Pyro
Weapon: Bow
Release Date: August 10, 2021
Tier List Rating: S

Stats Lvl 80

HP: 9450
ATK: 572
DEF: 323
CRIT Rate: 24.2%

Best Yoimiya Builds

Yoimiya is one of the strongest DPS characters in Genshin Impact. There are a lot of different builds and roles for Yoimiya, but most players are using DPS builds. Her skill will deal Elemental Burst damage and a lot of AOE damage which makes her perfect. Yoimiya is the S-tier character in Genshin Impact.

Best Yoimiya Weapons

Thundering Pulse

Increases ATK by 20/25/30/35/40% and grants the might of the Thunder Emblem. At stack levels 1/2/3, the Thunder Emblem increases Normal Attack DMG by 12/24/40%. The character will obtain 1 stack of Thunder Emblem in each of the following scenarios: Normal Attack deals DMG (stack lasts 5s), casting Elemental Skill (stack lasts 10s); Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full). Each stack’s duration is calculated independently.


Increases Normal Attack DMG by 40/50/60/70/80% but decreases Aimed Shot DMG by 8/9/10/11/12%

Best Yoimiya Artifacts

Shimenawa’s Reminiscence

(2) ATK +18%
(4) When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has 15 or more Energy, they lose 15 Energy and Normal/Charged/Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 50% for 10s.

Echoes of an Offering

(2) ATK +18%
(4) When Normal Attacks hit opponents, there is a 36% chance that it will trigger Valley Rite, which will increase Normal Attack DMG by 70% of ATK. This effect will be dispelled 0.05s after a Normal Attack deals DMG. If a Normal Attack fails to trigger Valley Rite, the odds of it triggering the next time will increase by 20%. This trigger can occur once every 0.2s.

Best Yoimiya Teams

Character 1Character 2Character 3Character 4
YoimiyaYun JinYelanZhongli
YoimiyaXingqiuYun JinThoma

There are a lot of team comps that you can make in Genshin Impact with Yoimiya. We recommend team comps that we think are best for Yoimiya. There are a lot of different characters, and there is a high chance that you do not have some of them. So you should create your team comps, test them out, and see what is best for you and your playstyle. With that, you will become better at the game, and you will know how your team works.

Yoimiya Skills Talents

Firework Flare-Up: Normal Attack

Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, flames will accumulate on the arrowhead before being fired off as an attack. Different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:

  • Charge Level 1: Fires off a flaming arrow that deals Pyro DMG.
  • Charge Level 2: Generates a maximum of 3 Kindling Arrows based on time spent charging, releasing them as part of this Aimed Shot. Kindling Arrows will home in on nearby opponents, dealing Pyro DMG on hit.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Niwabi Fire-Dance: Elemental Skill

Yoimiya waves a sparkler and causes a ring of saltpeter to surround her.

Niwabi Enshou
During this time, arrows fired by Yoimiya’s Normal Attack will be Blazing Arrows, and their DMG will be increased and converted to Pyro DMG. During this time, Normal Attack: Firework Flare-Up will not generate Kindling Arrows at Charge Level 2. This effect will deactivate when Yoimiya leaves the field.

Ryuukin Saxifrage: Elemental Burst

Yoimiya leaps into the air along with her original creation, the “Ryuukin Saxifrage,” and fires forth blazing rockets bursting with surprises that deal AoE Pyro DMG and mark one of the hit opponents with Aurous Blaze.

Aurous Blaze
All Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts by any party member other than Yoimiya that hit an opponent marked by Aurous Blaze will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. When an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated before its duration expires, the effect will pass on to another nearby opponent, who will inherit the remaining duration. One Aurous Blaze explosion can be triggered every 2s. When Yoimiya is down, Aurous Blaze effects created through her skills will be deactivated.

Yoimiya Passive Talents

Tricks of the Trouble-Maker First Ascension Passive

During Niwabi Fire-Dance, shots from Yoimiya’s Normal Attack will increase her Pyro DMG Bonus by 2% on hit. This effect lasts for 3s and can have a maximum of 10 stacks.

Summer Night’s Dawn: Fourth Ascension Passive

Using Ryuukin Saxifrage causes nearby party members (not including Yoimiya) to gain a 10% ATK increase for 15s. Additionally, a further ATK Bonus will be added on based on the number of “Tricks of the Trouble-Maker” stacks Yoimiya possesses when using Ryuukin Saxifrage. Each stack increases this ATK Bonus by 1%.

Blazing Match: Passive Talent

When Yoimiya crafts Decoration, Ornament, and Landscape-type Furnishings, she has a 100% chance to refund a portion of the materials used.

Yoimiya Constellations

Level 1: Agate Ryuukin

The Auros Blaze created by Ryuukin Saxifrage lasts for an extra 4s. Additionally, when an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated within its duration, Yoimiya’s ATK is increased by 20% for 20s.

Level 2: A Procession of Bonfires

When Yoimiya’s Pyro DMG scores a CRIT Hit, Yoimiya will gain a 25% Pyro DMG Bonus for 6s. This effect can be triggered even when Yoimiya is not the active character.

Level 3: Trickster’s Flare

Increase the Level of Niwabi Fire-Dance by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 4: Pyrotechnic Professionaly

When Yoimiya’s own Aurous Blaze triggers an explosion, Niwabi Fire-Dance‘s CD is decreased by 1.2.

Level 5: A Summer Festival’s Eve

Increases the Level of Ryuukin Saxifrage by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Level 6: Naganohara Meteor Swarm

During Niwabi Fire-Dance, Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks have a 50% chance of firing an extra Kindling Arrow that deals 60% of its original DMG. This DMG is considered Normal Attack DMG.

Yoimiya Ascension Costs Lvl 90

  • Agnidus Agate Sliver x 1
  • Agnidus Agate Fragment x 9
  • Agnidus Agate Chunk x 9
  • Agnidus Agate Gemstone x 6
  • Divining Scroll x 18
  • Sealed Scroll x 30
  • Forbidden Curse Scroll x 36
  • Naku Weed x 168
  • Smoldering Pearl x 46