Hunt Showdown 1896 How to Get Weapon XP

Hunt Showdown How to Get Weapon XP

There are a lot of weapons and weapon variants in Hunt Showdown 1896, and to get them, you have to get experience but it is not that hard. What you have to do is kill NPCs or enemy players with weapons that you want to level up. There is no secret method or farming spot when it comes to leveling and getting experience in Hunt Showdown 1896. You just have to kill everything that you see using weapons that you want to level up.

Kill NPCs and Enemy Players

Kill NPCs and Enemy Players

There are a lot of monsters that you will encounter when you are playing Hunt Showdown 1896 and when you kill them, you will get experience. Each monster will give a different amount. Keep in mind that in order to get weapon experience, you have to kill a monster or enemy player with that weapon. For example, if you want to get experience for Romero, you have to kill an enemy monster using it. If you use a knife to kill it, you will not gain experience with that weapon.

While you are playing, the fastest way to get experience is to kill every single monster and player that you encounter. You do not have to extract in Hunt Showdown 1896 to get experience for weapons, which means that if enemy players kill you, you will not lose the experience that you gained.

Bosses and Meatheads will give you a good amount of experience. When you are killing bosses, make sure that you lower their HP using bombs or whatever your method is. After you lower their HP, you can finish them using weapons that you want to level up. For meatheads, you want to throw a frag bomb so the meathead will survive with low HP. When you lower its HP, you can finish it using a weapon that you want to level up. It can be expensive.

Use the Same Weapons as the Teammate

If you are playing Hunt Showdown 1896 with your friend, then you can both take the same weapon, for example, Romero. When your teammate kills an enemy player or monster with Romero while you also have Romero, both of you will gain experience. Experience is shared if you are using the same weapon. It will save you a lot of time.

Best Way To Get Experience

Best Way To Get Experience

Currently, the best way to get experience in Hunt Showdown 1896 is by killing enemy players, but that can be hard if you are a new player. So we recommend that you farm monsters. There are two ways to farm monsters: one is to just take a free hunter and shoot everything that you see. The safer but slower way is to kill monsters with melee, so it will not attract enemy players. This is best combined with farming money.

If you are planning to kill the enemy player and extract a bounty, then do not forget the first extraction bonus on Hunter.

Overall, it is best to combine everything and only use weapons that you want to level up.