Minecraft Silverfish Guide, Attacks and Drops

Minecraft Silverfish Guide

Some mobs are more environmental dangers than proper challenges. Aiming to interrupt the player rather than kill them. Silverfish are one such mob. Capable of hiding within the blocks. They will often surprise us while digging, interrupting our farming. That’s why we’ll check out the details of Minecraft Silverfish.


With the infested stone blocks, we can expect Silverfish to spawn. These mobs are small and odd. Spawning from a few other sources too. Those are woodland mansions and igloo basements too. We are bound to have quite a few encounters with Silverfish. They will often spawn in multiples making it troublesome to fight them.

They are small, white, and wiggle about. Their speed can be quite a bit of trouble, but we will often slap them around simply. While numerous, they aren’t strong. Don’t worry about slashing quickly at these mobs either, as they will be killed quickly without much problem. Take extra care if it’s a heavily infested area, though, aim to slay the Silverfish summoning help first.


Silverfish can be spawned in Minecraft by blocks called Silverfish Spawners. The capabilities of these blocks are such that Silverfish Spawners can constantly spit out new mobs. However, even they can be disabled, although it’ll take a bit of work.

By upping the light level of an area to 12, the spawner will be stopped. A light level of 12 is difficult to achieve. However, it can be reached with proper block placement. The simplest way to do so is by placing four Jack o’ Lanterns around the spawner. Alternatively, putting down an intense grid of torches can also prevent it, the grid has to be 7 by 7 to work.

Silverfish Behavior

Silverfish are peculiar hostile mobs that attack players in Minecraft, Iron Golems, and Snow Golems. The Silverfish will rush at the target to take them down. Should they be injured, Silverfish will call on the aid of other Silverfish nearby, which will come from other infested blocks.

Silverfish can be prevented from doing this if the player kills them quickly. Failing to do so, the player will end up with a swarm of Silverfish on their tail. If a Silverfish is ever idle, the mob will find a nearby block that can be infested and get into it. Silverfish can enter stone, cobblestone, bricks, or deepslate, turning it infested.

There are limits to their infestation, though. If these blocks are turned into slabs or stairs, the Silverfish will not be able to infect them. Additionally, this mob is incapable of infesting andesite, diorite, granite, or even smooth stone.

Silverfish Attacks

The attacks available to the Silverfish are very straightforward. Their damage is very small, only inflicting a single point of damage on normal. Without the advantage of numbers, players can easily get rid of individual Silverfish.

Silverfish Drops

The only drop Silverfish has in Minecraft would be 5 experience points. Any blocks they hide in may count as loot themselves, but the Silverfish themselves are pretty meaningless to kill aside from stopping more of them from attacking.