Cocoa Cookie Toppings Build and Guide Cookie Run Kingdom

Cocoa Cookie Toppings Build and Guide

Cocoa Cookie is an Epic Cookie that was introduced in the second installment of the Frost Witch and the Lantern in the Snow release in Cookie Run Kingdom. Her position is given priority to the Front since she belongs to the Defense type. She always has hot chocolate in hand, even in the summer, even though her dough contains 80% cocoa.

She needs to fight the urge to cut a chunk off of her marshmallow hat and dip it into her hot cocoa cup since it is so sweet and delectably wonderful. Additionally, she has such a strong love for both cocoa and classical music that she cannot go a day without having a cup of hot chocolate.

Continue reading to learn about the best Cocoa Cookies Toppings Builds and Skill. If you’re curious about the best toppings for other Cookies in the Cookie Run Kingdom, check out the Cookie Run Kingdom Topping Guide.

Cocoa Cookie Toppings Builds

Different toppings will work best depending on how you choose to use your cocoa cookie in the Cookie Run Kingdom. To start with, she is located in the front row. Additionally, you would want her to function as a tank because of her class- Defense. Last but not least, she may create a huge mug of cocoa, climb inside of it, and strike adversaries while being unaffected by the stun effect. This action also heals allied Cookies.

Furthermore, Cocoa’s standard strike heals the three teammates with the lowest HP. The optimal Cocoa Cookie Topping construction build in the Cookie Run Kingdom would thus be either five Swift Chocolate Toppings with DMG resist stats or five Solid Almonds Toppings. The Solid Almond Toppings set will increase Cocoa Cookie’s ability to absorb enemy damage and prolong her life. This construction is appropriate given that she will remain in the lead and serve as a front-line tank.

Cocoa Cookie Skill

The skill known as Cocoa is Love allows Cocoa Cookie to leap into a massive cocoa cup and whirl around joyfully while hitting the foes for a certain amount of time. In addition, Cocoa Cookie renders all allied Cookies resistant to stunning and recovers their HP, with the exception of summoned creatures. When Cocoa Cookie uses her talent, interrupting effects won’t affect her for a limited period of time.

Three ally Cookies with the lowest HP will be healed by Cocoa Cookie’s standard attack. Cocoa Cookie is as kind, adorable, and caring as she possibly can be. She is bashful, just like Strawberry Cookie, although she struggles to strike up a conversation with a stranger as opposed to the latter, who frequently pulls the drawstrings of her pink sweatshirt.