Expedition Guide Dislyte

Expedition Guide

Expedition in Dislyte is a game mode in which players can dispatch their espers to complete various missions. Each mission completed by the player will result in rewards. The great thing about expeditions is that they don’t require players to be present in the game; they happen automatically.

The expedition is one of the most important features in Dislyte that all players must use and do on a daily basis because the rewards are insanely good. Expedition can be found in the Trials section, and in order to use it, you must complete 6-8 story mode levels.

If you’re thinking about forming a great team but aren’t sure how good each esper is, we recommend checking out our Dislyte tier list. Then, if you need some extra nexus crystals and other items, make sure to check out our Dislyte codes list for some freebies.

How Does Expedition Work?

You can send your espers on three missions per day. You can send them on a mission to defeat bosses such as Apep, Kronos, and others. Each mission will require stamina, but the rewards are fantastic, so it is well worth it.

When sending your espers on a mission, make sure to fill up esper requirements such as esper element and esper star. This will increase your rewards.

What’s great about expeditions is that they don’t require too much playing time. When you send your espers on a mission, you can close the game and they will complete it. Because you do not have to be in the game, it is best to send them before going to bed or taking a long break.

Every day at 0 UTC, missions and chances will be restarted, so try to send them before missions are restarted.


There isn’t a lot to say about the expedition. Overall, the expedition is a fantastic game mode that every single player should play on a regular basis because the rewards are fantastic. Just make sure you’re sending your espers to the correct esper element to start receiving bonus rewards. If you didn’t know, you can download and play Dislyte on your pc so If you didn’t know, check out our guide, which contains all of the steps you need to take.