Ripple Dimension Guide Dislyte

Ripple Dimension Guide

Ripple Dimension is a Dislyte game mode where you can earn esper fragments. In Ripple Dimension, you will battle a random boss that will be triggered at random while fighting in Sonic Miracle and Ritual Miracle.

This game mode is fantastic because when it is activated, you and your friends can fight together to defeat the boss. When you defeat the boss, you will be rewarded with esper fragments. To summon Esper, you’ll need to collect 30 fragments.

When you activate a ripple dimension, it is shared with all of your friends so that they can be the first to join. The ripple dimension will be shared with all players in Worlds chat after 15 minutes.

There are a total of 20 players who can participate, so all of your friends should have no trouble joining. Furthermore, you are not required to remain in the ripple dimension and wait for all players. Other game modes are available until all players have joined.

Overall, it was a fantastic and enjoyable event.

What are the best espers to use for ripple dimensions?

There will be 20 players inside, so there is no point in devising a unique strategy. Simply using your best espers, you will be able to defeat the boss in the ripple dimension. Just make sure you have all 20 players and keep an eye on world chat for other players to join.