Changing servers in Evony The King’s Return is only available to new players. You will not be able to migrate to a new server if you have been playing for a while. If you are a new player, you will be able to switch servers twice if you do not like the server where you started playing.
Requirements for server change
Your account must be no more than three days old. You will be unable to change servers if it is older.
To migrate and switch servers, your city must be below level 6.
If you are unable to change servers, the best option is to create a new account. There isn’t any other way to change it.
How to change server
In the bottom left corner of the map screen, select World Map.
In the bottom left corner, click “Server List.”
Choose the server you want to relocate.
Enter the server you want to relocate and then select the location to which you want to relocate it.
Press the migrate button and then the confirm button.
Migration of old account – Server Merge
You cannot migrate to the server of your choice if you are an old Evony The King’s Return player. You only have one option: Server Merge. The Server Merge system in Evony The King’s Return is an excellent way for kingdoms that have lost players to increase activity.
The issue with server merge is that you cannot choose which server you will be merged with. It will be random, and you will have no control over it.
The server merge will be performed by Evony The King’s Return’s developer, and you will be notified of the server merge 10 days in advance so that you can prepare. Hopefully, in the future, they will implement true migration, where you can choose which kingdoms you want to play on because many players are stuck on kingdoms they despise and where they are constantly attacked. To increase your gaming expectations you should definitely play Evony The King’s Return on your PC.