How To Find Mangrove Swamps in Minecraft

How To Find Mangrove Swamps in Minecraft

The latest update on Minecraft comes with many new adventures and new mobs to look out for. Like the rest of us, if you have been waiting for Minecraft 1.19, the Wild, get hyped!

It features the new mangrove biome, a freshly upgraded version of the existing swamp biomes. But the old swamps haven’t been replaced, so set your worries aside.

Players can have an adventure admiring the new scenic visuals of many new mobs, nature, and, best of all? You’ll find mangrove trees that are exclusive to the mangrove swamp biome

If you’re wondering where you can find these swamps, we got you covered. Here’s how you begin your adventure!

How To Find Mangrove Swamps

How To Find Mangrove Swamps

Mangrove Swamps usually appear in humid and warmer areas of the game. The most adventurous path for any player looking for the swamp is to play the game of chances. 

Try your luck by going to a dry and hot desert or any hot biomes like the lush jungles, savanna biome, etc. It may or may not take a while to land on one of these swamps, but it’s a win-win situation since you get to explore. Mangrove swamps are hard to find but not impossible.

However, you can take the more leisurely approach of finding a mangrove swamp, i.e., by using the locate command. All you need to do is press T and open the chat. Then you can type in “/locatebiome mangrove_swamp.”  

What this does is it shows you the nearest mangrove swamp through coordinates. You can quickly teleport there by clicking on the coordinates or set out on a journey the traditional way.

What Can You Expect To Find In A Mangrove Swamp?

What Can You Expect To Find In A Mangrove Swamp

One of the main reasons why people get excited about finding a mangrove swamp is for the trees. The mangrove trees are unique and extremely rare since they only grow in this biome. If you are looking for a lot of mangrove trees then you can check out our list of Best Mangrove Swamp Seeds Minecraft.

However, you can grow a mangrove tree in any biome using a propagule that spawns on a mangrove tree. Players can use these trees to create unique wooden creations or make items like weapons.

Also, ranging from the new mud blocks, warm region frogs (white), and other exciting mobs all around the area.


The new update was the most anticipated one yet, and it sure didn’t disappoint. Mangrove swamps are packed with many exciting new features, and with that, you can now find the mangrove swamps for yourself and have a fantastic adventure.