LOTR Rise to War Boromir Guide and Build

LOTR Rise to War Boromoir Guide and Build

Tier 1


Might: 93+2.04xLVL
Speed: 65+1.06xLVL
Focus: 58+0.95xLVL


In LOTR Rise To War Boromir is a very useful and adjustable Commander in the lower tier list of Commanders with above-average stats for Might, and decent Speed and Focus. Boromir is also one of the iconic characters from LotR lore and folklore amongst the Men race, and also an important side character in the LOTR series.

Boromir is Tier 1 Commander and the first thing that you need to notice and acknowledge is his base trait which is “Leader“. “Leader” trait will give Boromir +5 Command. Boromir’s highest stat is Might. Might increase Physical damage dealt with enemy units and commanders. Whenever your Commander levels up you will have a skill point to spend in their skill tree.

There are four main skills and thus four different focus points in Boromir’s skill tree which we will talk about here. Note that each of these four main skills has two additional skills connected to them which you will unlock upon leveling the main skill to level 2.

LOTR Rise to War Boromir
Best Boromir Build

Respect level 0 Build

On Commander Respect level 0 you will have two starting main skills.

The first one of two starting main skills is “High Warden of the White Tower”. “High Warden of the White Tower” skill when active will give :

(Against 2 enemy targets) Deals % Physical damage. This is a decent skill for extra damage. You should invest some of the skill points in this skill in the early game but his second main skill is more important. Note that the “High Warden of the White Tower ” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as a passive skill.

This skill has 1 round cooldown. At the max level of “High Warden of the White Tower ”, Damage caused by this skill will be increased and it will prioritize Melee units. As mentioned above upon leveling the “High Warden of the White Tower ” skill to level 2 you will unlock its two additional skills which you will be able to level up.

These two skills are:
Disarm: (Against 1 enemy target) Deals % Physical damage and target’s next attack deals much less Physical damage. This skill has 2 rounds of cooldown.
Swing: (Against 2 enemy targets) Deals % Physical damage. This skill has 1 round cooldown.
These skills are pretty decent and it’s recommended to have at least 1 point spent on them.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

The second main skill is “Heir” which when active will give : (Every round) [Allied units] Defence +%, stacks once per round. Now this skill is something you should focus on in the early game and you should prioritize this skill tree for its great Defence and damage mitigation effects, it also works great in sync with “Warden of the White Tower ”

. Note that “Heir” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as a passive skill. Additionally, on max level of “Heir” skill, Boromir will receive a bonus +15 Focus points.

Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Heir” to level 2 are:
Gallant: (Commander) Might +% and Speed +%.
Nobility: (Men) Damage +%.
It’s highly recommended to max out “Nobility” and recruit Men units since it’s a great boost for them.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

Respect level 3 Build

Upon reaching Respect level 3 with Boromir you will be able to unlock and level up his third main skill called “Warden” which when active will give:

(Allied army) % chance of avoiding the first instance of Damage. This is a skill tree to bounce back and forth depending on your needs, for example in case you must face a commander that relies on first-round Damage buffs.

Note that “Warden” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as a passive skill. Like every other main skill, these stats rise as you level up the skill. At the max level of the “Warden” skill, the Avoidance buff extends by 1 use.

Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Warden” to level 2 are:
Collaboration: (Self) Normal attacks cause an additional % Physical damage.
Defensive Stance: (Against 1 enemy target) Deals % Physical damage, (1 allied unit) next damage received -% (Effect modified by Might stat). This skill has 2 rounds of cooldown.

These two additional skills are very good and useful so it is highly recommended to spend some points in “Warden” to gain access to these skills.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

Respect level 5 Build

And finally, upon reaching Respect level 5 with Boromir you will be able to unlock and level up his fourth main skill called “Horn of Gondor” which will give:

(First 3 rounds) [allied army and this Commander] Damage. This should be your focus point for late game and should definitely be maxed out along with “Heir”. Like every other main skill, these stats rise as you level up the skill.

At the max level of “Horn of Gondor ” skill, Boromir will receive additional +15 Might points. Note that “Horn of Gondor ” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as a passive skill.

Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Horn of Gondor” to level 2 are:
Well-prepared: (Melee units) When hit by enemies’ normal attacks within range, perform a counterattack that deals % damage. You should definitely put at least a few points on this skill.
Lower Defenses: (On hit) [Against enemy army] % chance to receive additional % damage.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.