Enchantments in Minecraft are a great way to enhance your abilities in the survival world. Whether you need some armor to protect you from the Ender Dragon, or if you need a pickaxe to last forever, you have all of these possibilities! Enchantments make survival easier and give you the ultimate power to defeat enemies and efficiently store more items.
Keep in mind, we are talking from the most recent version of Minecraft, which is 1.19.1. With that being said, Let’s take a look at some of the best enchantments in Minecraft!
Best Armor Enchantments in Minecraft
Armor is extremely important in Minecraft survival mode. It protects you from many different mobs such as Zombies, Endermen, Skeletons, and much more! When enchanting diamond armor, there an even stronger protection! Let’s take a look at each armor piece and what works best for each.
Armor and Helmet Enchantments
A Minecraft Helmet is an essential piece of armor when forging your set of protection. We will also cover the essential armor enchantments that are needed for all armor pieces!
Name | Bonus |
Mending (All) | An enchantment that allows the armor piece to mend its durability through experience points |
Protection/Fire Protection/Projectile Protection/Blast Protection IV (All) | Prevents any kind of damage caused to you as a player, besides hunger. |
Unbreaking III (All) | An enchantment that prevents the decrease in the durability of the armor. |
Respiration III | An enchantment for helmets that allows longer breathing time underwater. |
Aqua Affinity (Optional) | An enchantment that makes mining underwater faster. |
Thorns III (Optional) | Absorbs damage and increases durability. |
These are all the highest level and the ultimate best options for your helmet enchantments. The majority of players prefer the ability to breathe underwater longer, along with Aqua Affinity, making it easier to mine underwater. You can only pick one between Aqua Affinity or Thorns III, so depending on what your purpose is for enchantment, choose the one that will benefit your needs the most!
Chestplate Enchantments
Along with Mending, Protection IV (or Fire, Blast, and Projectile Protection IV), and Unbreaking III which are all essential for all armor enchantments, there is an optional choice of Thorns III. This enhances the ability to absorb more damage and increase its durability. Considering this is the only optional addition to a chestplate. The best Chestplate enchantments setup would be
- Mending
- Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Thorns III
All of which will bring your Chestplate armor up to its fullest potential!
Leggings Enchantments
Leggings have a few enchantments that are dedicated to only the leg armor. Along with the essential armor setup, the best enchantments for leggings would be
- Mending
- Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Thorns III
- Swift Sneak III
Swift Sneak is a special enchantment specifically for leggings. With Swift Sneak, you will have the ability to run 75% faster than your average running speed in Minecraft. Making Swift Sneak III the ultimate must-have enchantment for leggings.
Boots Enchantments
Boots have many different options, many of which are very tempting to use. Unfortunately, you can only use one of the optional special enchantments for boots. In our opinion, the best special enchantment for boots would have to be Depth Strider III. Depth Strider III allows players to increase their speed underwater. Here is the best enchantments list for boots:
- Mending
- Protection IV
- Unbreaking III
- Depth Strider III
You also have the options of Soul Speed III or Thorns III. Which are purely up to you to choose which is more useful for your needs of survival!
Best Weapon Enchantments Minecraft
For each weapon, there is a chance for the best enchantments to increase damage and durability. Let’s take a look at each weapon to guarantee perfect enchantments!
Sword Enchantments
There are a lot of options when it comes to sword abilities through every enchantment. although, there are a few that are stronger than others. Below is the list of the best enchantments for swords when it comes to durability, and power
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
- Efficiency V
- Sharpness V
- Fire Aspect II (Optional, but lethal)
Some may not enjoy the Fire Aspect for their sword enchantment, although this will ultimately make your sword more powerful among all the rest.
Axe Enchantments
The axe is one of the least chosen weapons or even tools to be enchanted. Mainly due to the power of swords being much more lethal, and swords have much more mobility. Knowing this, the best enchantments to get the best out of your axe would be:
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
- Efficiency V
- Sharpness V
- Silk Touch
With Silk Touch, it allows the axe to provide more use than to simply defeat enemies. This allows the player to harvest melons, bookshelves or beehives.
Bow Enchantments
The bow is extremely useful for any fight, especially if you can use infinity arrows! Below is our best lineup of enchantments for the Minecraft Bow:
- Infinity
- Power IV
- Unbreaking III
- Flame
- Punch II
Infinity is in competition with mending. Mainly because mending allows the bow to never break. Although, with Infinity, this allows the bow to only have to use one arrow in inventory, to shoot as many arrows as wanted.
Crossbow Enchantments
Crossbows are a fairly new addition to Minecraft. They are not as popular as the enchanted bow. Although, they do have some strong enchantments to make it a lethal weapon. The best crossbow enchantments would be:
- Quick Charge III
- Multishot
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
We chose multishot as opposed to piercing due to the fact that multishot also allows tipped arrows. Something that Infinity does not allow on the bow, making the crossbow a better option for those needing this effect.
Trident Enchantments
One of the most fun weapons in Minecraft, the trident has some pretty great options for enchantments. In our opinion, the best mix of enchantments for the trident would be:
- Mending
- Unbreaking III
- Loyalty III
- Channeling
- Impaling V
Loyalty III and Channeling we chose as more important than Riptide III, mostly due to the fact that Loyalty and Channeling offers a lot more options to the player than Riptide III. Riptide III would replace both Channeling and Loyalty III, which is like replacing 1 skill for 3 or 4 skills. An option here is if you really want riptide, have one separate trident, with mending, unbreaking, and Riptide III, for the use of Riptide when needed. Without needing to add all of the other enchantments.
Best Tool Enchantments in Minecraft
Tools are extremely important in the survival of Minecraft. Especially for exactly what Minecraft is known for, mining! Let’s take a look at the best enchantments for tools. A reminder, diamond tools are much stronger than any other. So make sure you have enough for what you need!
Pickaxe Enchantments
A pickaxe should be your first pick in enchantments, and there are a few essential enchantments that you need to optimize your pickaxe. The best enchantments for a pickaxe would be:
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
- Fortune III
- Efficiency V
This is the best and most needed list of best enchantments. For mining ice or glass, using Silk Touch would be essential for the pickaxe. Although we recommend making a separate pickaxe with Silk Touch and another with Fortune III.
Fishing Rod Enchantments
Fishing rods are important for those wanting to find some treasures, enchanted armor, or some great fish! There are a few essential enchantments for fishing rods that we believe are the best enchantments for the Minecraft Fishing Rod:
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
- Luck of the Sea III (Rare yet needed!)
- Lure III
Other Tools
When it comes to other tools such as a shovel, hoe, and sheers. It is best to keep these as the last to enchant. Especially sheers, as they are only made from iron, and must be enchanted through an anvil. Overall, here is the best enchantment list for all tools:
- Unbreaking III
- Mending
- Efficiency V
- Silk Touch (Optional)
Wrapping Up
Overall, the best enchantments in Minecraft can be difficult to acquire but are ultimately perfect for those looking to build to perfect enchantment setup. We hope you found this guide helpful when looking for what to use to make your Minecraft experience more and more fun!