Dislyte is a new game with a lot of things to do as a beginner. After a while, your progression will begin to slow down, and there is a chance that it will stop. You can get stuck in many parts of Dislyte and have no idea what to do next or how to power up your account to advance further and faster.
Improve your Espers and team composition
The first thing you must do in Dislyte is optimizing your team composition. There are numerous espers in the game, and not all of them are good or work well together. If your team composition works well against Kronos, it does not guarantee success in Story. That is why it is critical that you understand which espers to target and what team composition to utilize. Because there are so many espers to choose from, it is difficult to tell you what team composition you will use or which espers you will prioritize.
It is best that you do your research using the Dislyte tier list and Team Composition guide. With their assistance, you will be able to form an excellent team that will help your progress. After assembling a strong team, you must invest in them by raising their skills, levels, relics, and so on, which is made possible by Courses and Achievements.
Achievements and Courses
Dislyte’s Courses and Achievements are a great place to get items that will help you progress faster. When you go to your Courses, you’ll notice that there are plenty of quests available to you. Completing all Courses should be your main goal as a new player because they contain so many different rewards that you will be able to invest in your Espers. Strongest Espers you have, the further you will advance.
Courses are beneficial not only because they provide rewards, but also because they assist you in learning the game. In Courses, there are so many quests and they are covering almost every part of Dislyte.
Achievements are fantastic because they provide you with free rewards. There are multiple achievements that are ridiculously simple to complete, so make sure to look them up.
Strong Espers
If you are a free-to-play player, you will struggle, and the best free-to-play espers for learning game content are Li Ling, Drew, Chang Pu, Unky Chai, Fabrice, Gabrielle, Melanie, and a few others. You must invest everything you have in them because you will use them constantly at the beginning and late-game until you obtain strangers esper. If your espers are not at the maximum level, you must enter story mode and do Practice Stages.
Esper Fusion
It can be difficult to fuse espers in Dislyte, especially if you are a new player, but you will have to do it sooner or later. You can fuse two espers: Gabrielle and Fabrice, both of whom are extremely powerful and will be used in your team. So, if you’re stuck with your progression, keep an eye on them and fuse them as soon as possible.
Practice Stages
Practice Stages are a great way to level up your Espers in Dislyte. Just make sure you finish the practice stage with espers that aren’t at max level. As you level up your esper, you will gain additional stats that can be very useful. So make sure you do a practice stage every day because not only will you gain experience for leveling, but you will also receive other great rewards. If you get stuck on the practice stages, you can clear Sonic miracles and Ritual Miracle.
In-game content
A sonic miracle is the best place to Ascend your espers so make sure that you are doing as much as you can. Try to farm the highest stages so you can get Ascend your espers, and after that, you can try to Push higher levels in Ritual Miracle. Try to farm the highest stages so you can get Ascend your espers, and after that, you can try to Push higher levels in Ritual Miracle.
Ritual Miracle gives you a lot of powerful relics, and what’s great about it is that you can use friend espers. Make sure to borrow friends’ espers who can clear Ritual miracles on their own, such as Donar. It is best to perform Ritual MIracles at Stages 9 and 10, as lower levels are not worthwhile.
Spatial Tower is one of the most important things you should try to push as far as possible. You must reach level 100 as soon as possible in order to obtain Legendary Esper Lucas, which is effective against Kronos.
Be Consistent
You will not be able to clear all content in one week if you are a new player. It can be a time-consuming process. Simply make sure you play a game every day and that you enjoy it. You will eventually complete the game and obtain excellent espers.
There is also one place where you can get free items, which is by using Dislyte gift codes. If you intend to spend money on the game, you should read our guide on the best Dislyte packs and bundles.