Eve Talent Build and Guide Disney Mirrorverse

Eve Talent Build and Guide Disney Mirrorverse

Eve is a range guardian in Disney Mirrorverse that is not performing that great. When you compare Eve to other guardians you will notice that she is one of the worst guardians in the game. Because of that, it is best to replace her with better guardians as soon as possible. If you are not sure what guardians to use instead of Eve you can check out the Disney Mirrorverse tier list

Eve Stats:

  • Role: Range
  • Base DMG: 552
  • DMG Resistance: 11.70%
  • Max Armor: 3288
  • Critical Chance: 14.37%
  • Bonus Critical DMG: 520
  • Max Health: 5809

Eve talent build 

Eve talent build 

There is not much to talk about Eve’s talent build but they are also not that great. 

Electrostatic Envelope- Eves Special Ability now adds a Shock after Hitting the target, dealing 10 damage per second, for 20 seconds. 

Polarity Shift- Eve shield now had a chance to inflict a knockback on the affected enemy. 

Enhanced Electrostatic- Eve Special Ability deals additional damage for each shock on the target.