LOTR Rise To War Agzok Guide and Build

LOTR Rise To War Agzok Guide and Build

Tier 1


Might: 91+2xLVL
Speed: 51+0.83xLVL
Focus: 44+0.55xLVL

Evil Man

Agzok is one of those “less popular” but powerful Commanders, altho he is not Special as some of the iconic characters from the LOTR are, his skills and prowes as warrior do make him an interesting Commander. Agzok is Tier 1 Commander and first thing that you need to notice and acknowledge is his base trait which is “Warrior”.

Warrior trait in LOTR Rise To War will give Agzok +25 (Commander) Might, +2 Skill points and 10% bonus (Commander) Physical damage. Agzok’s highest stat is “Might ” and he has one of the highest base Might points amongst lower tier Commanders. Might increase Physical damage dealt to enemy units and Commander.

On the other side his Focus and Speed are way below average. Every time when your Commander levels up you will have a skill point to spend in their skill tree. There are three main skills and thus three different focus points in Agzok’s skill tree which we will talk about here.

Note that each of these three main skills have two additional skills connected to them which you will unlock upon leveling main skill to level 2. On Commander Respect level 1 you will have two starting main skills.

Agzok is one of many Tier 2 commanders from evil side in LOTR Rise To War same as Sharku, Khamul, Grima, Gorbag, Ugthak .

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LOTR Rise To War Agzok Build
LOTR Rise To War Agzok Build

Respect level 0 Build

First one of two starting main skills is “Pursuer”. “Pursuer” skill when active gives : (Self) bonus % damage against all enemy units while attacking. Each time you level up this skill the total % of bonus damage will rise.

At max level of “Pursuer” skill, active bonus will be applied to “Pursuer” where damage bonus effects will get modified by Speed, where two additional skills connected to some of the main skills will play their role. As mentioned above upon leveling “Pursuer” skill to level 2 you will unlock it’s two additional skills which you will be able to level up. These two skills being :

Deepen Wounds: (Against 1 enemy target) Deals % of Physical damage and next damage received +% debuff (effect modified by Might stat). This skill has 2 rounds of cooldown.
Overwhelm : (Against unit with lowest defence) Deals % of Physical damage and an additional % of Physical damage after 1 round. This skill has 2 rounds cooldown as well.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

Second main skill is “Black Numenorean” which gives: (Commander) Normal attacks inflict an additional % Focus damage. Now this skill is usually avoided since Agzok does not rely on Focus but is recommended to put in 2 skill points to unlock one of the two skills connected to it that we will mention below.

Note that “Black Numenorean ” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as passive skill. Additionally on max level of “Black Numenorean ” skill, Agzok will receive +15 Focus points.

Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Black Numenorean” to level 2 are:

Dark Mantle: (Against all enemies) Physical damage received +%. Dark Mantle skill works great with “Weapon Expertise” skill which you will unlock upon leveling “Shadow of the Mist” to level 2.

Black Arts: Deals % Focus damage against 2 enemy targets (effect modified by Focus stat) and enemy targets afflicted by it cannot recover HP for 1 round. Agzok shares this skill with Sauron and altho it suits Sauron way better because Sauron is Focus based Commander, ideally you want to put some skill points here because of it’s heal reduction.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

Respect level 3 Build

Upon reaching Respect level 3 with Agzok you will be able to unlock and level up his third main skill called “Shadow of the Mist” which givesc[Round 1] [against 1 enemy target] Deals % Physical damage (Continuous) for 2 rounds. Note that “Shadow of the Mist” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as passive skill.

Like every other main skill, these stats rise as you level up the skill. At max level of “Shadow of the Mist” skill, it’s duration will be extended to 3 rounds (Active). It is highly recommended to Max this main skill upon unlocking it. Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Shadow of the Mist” to level 2 are:

Laceration: (Each round) [against 1 enemy target] Inflicts Bleeding, causing the target to suffer % Physical damage (Continuous) for 3 rounds. It is recommended to max this skill for optimal best mid game build.
Weapon Expertise: (Commander) % Chance of gaining damage +% as mentioned above, this skill works great with “Dark Mantle ” for that extra Physical damage power spike.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.

Respect level 5 Build

And finally upon reaching Respect level 5 with Agzok you will be able to unlock and level up his fourth main skill called “Mountain Warrior” which gives: [Agzok] (Against ranged units) Damage dealt. This is an extremely useful skill if you are fighting an army that has the majority of ranged units in it. It’s almost Agzok’s trademark skill and it’s a great way to switch to and adjust if you are struggling against heavy ranged attacks. Like every other main skill, these stats rise as you level up the skill.

At max level of “Mountain Warrior ” skill Agzok will receive additional +15 Speed. Note that “Mountain Warrior ” skill is referenced as a “title” rather than “skill” which essentially means once it’s unlocked and you have a skill point in it, it will act as passive skill.

This should be your focus point for late game since by that point you will have other skills well balanced and unlocked, extra damage against ranged units is always good to have since some of them are hitting really hard. Two additional skills that you will unlock upon leveling “Mountain Warrior” to level 2 are:

– Seeker: (Commander) Damage against ranged units +%. Needless to say this skill will add more of that extra damage if you find yourself struggling against ranged units.
– Heart Seeker: (Against enemy target with lowest HP) Deals % Physical damage once.

Naturally effective stats % rise as you level up addressed skills.