LOTR Rise To War Buildings

LOTR Rise To War Buildings

There are many different buildings in LOTR Rise To War, and you must understand what each one does in order to get the most out of them and progress faster.

Because some buildings are more important than others, the order in which you will upgrade them will is different.

This page contains information on every single building currently available in LOTR Rise To War, including what they do, how to upgrade them, and how important they are. You can enjoy great graphics and music by playing LOTR Rise To War on PC/Mac, it will increase your enjoyment drastically.

Main Hall

Main Hall

The most important building in LOTR  Rise To War is the Main Hall, which serves as the foundation for all other structures. What that means is that you can not upgrade other buildings without upgrading Main Hall first.

When it comes to time, upgrading your Main Hall is not difficult, but it will cost you a lot of resources. So ramp up your resource production.

The Main Hall will also provide you with settlement durability, which will come in handy if you are attacked. When you have a higher durability, you will take less damage when someone attacks you.



Storage is a simple structure. The higher it is, the more resources your city can have. We are all aware that your city has resource limitation, which Storage will increase.

You want to upgrade your storage so that your resource production cannot be stopped. That is, if you fill up your storage, you will stop producing resources, which can happen if you haven’t played in a while and this is one of big mistakes that you can make.



This is one of the most important buildings in LOTR Rise To War, and it is frequently overlooked. An apothecary is a place where your troops will go after battle to be healed so they can be used again.

If your wounded troops overfill Apothecary, they will die, so try to empty Apothecary whenever possible. You can increase the number of wounded troops that Apothecary can take by upgrading it. One thing worth mentioning is that special troops Oathbreakers and Barrow Wight will never go to an apothecary, they will instantly die.

When you upgrade your Apothecary, you will also gain a Treatment buff, allowing you to heal your troops faster and return them to battle.

As a new player, you probably won’t need Apothecary at a high level, but once you start hitting other players and high-level mobs, your hospital will quickly fill up.

Tribute Building

Tribute Building

Lumber, Ore, Gold, and Grain are the four tribute structures. The goal of them is to generate resources that will assist you in growing. However, they are not that important at first; later in the game, you want to have them at their maximum level so that you never run out of resources.

You should also not prioritize Tribute Buildings because it is simple to upgrade them.



Barracks is an important build, but not when you’re first starting out. Barracks limit the number of command units that can be stationed in a city.

At first, you won’t need to have this at a high level because you’ll be fighting all the time, your troops will die, and you’ll never reach the limit of the number of troops you can have in your city.

However, in the late game, this is one of the most important buildings to have at maximum level. When another player attacks you, you want to have as many troops as possible to defend your city, or when you go to war, you want to have as many troops as possible to use and fight.

To find out how many command troops you can have, go to your barracks and look at the top to see how many you have and what your limit is.

Conscription Post

Conscription Post

This is also an important structure. Conscription Post is simply a structure that controls the number of troops that can be trained per queue and the number of queues that you can have. One of the important things is Conscription Post buffs that you receive is Conscription time. This buff will reduce time to train troops so a higher level of Conscription Post will allow you to train troops faster.

Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hall, this building is crucial if you want to progress fast. However, in order to benefit the most from it, you must be a member of a Fellowship that is full and active in order to receive the maximum amount of assistance. This will shorten the construction time. Overall, a fantastic structure to have at the start.



You want to get to the market as soon as possible because it is one of the most important buildings. In the market, you will see offers such as 100k Ore for 80k Grain. There is also the option to trade your resources for a fee. This is useful if you have a lot of one type of resource, such as grain, and you need ore.

When you upgrade Market, you will get a better deal and a lower fee.

One crucial tip is that it is not  worth spending gems in the market. You will not get great value per gem. Tavern is a better place to spend your gems.



At first glance, this structure is unimportant. You will almost never be attacked. However, in the middle and later game, you want to have it at a higher level to increase the durability of your settlement. It will make it easier to defend your city, and if your settlement durability falls to zero, your city will be teleported to a random location.

Military Academy

Military Academy

This is a magnificent and significant structure. If you want to be stronger, you should concentrate on it. Military Academy is a structure that will increase the number of troops available to your commander. The more troops your commander has, the stronger you will be and the more damage he will be able to inflict.

This will help you a lot to progress and avoid mistakes in LOTR Rise To War.

Bow Man Tower

Bow Man Tower

This is late-game construction. You should not concentrate on it at first. This structure simply assists you in doing damage and defending your settlement from enemy players. You will be attacked right away, so don’t focus on Bow Man Tower. 

Quarters Buildings

Quarters Buildings

This structure, on the other hand, is a little more complicated. There are four different Quarters Buildings, each with its own troop types and tiers. It is difficult to say which Quarters should be maxed first, but you should upgrade one that has synergy with the commanders you have.

Gold Levy

Gold Levy is a structure that is linked to the Quarters Buildings. When you upgrade Quarters, the amount of gold you can obtain from the Gold Levy increases. You will be able to collect gold from Gold Levy every 2 hours. This building does not have any other function in LOTR Rise To War beside getting gold .


We basically explained what each building does and how important it is in this guide. Buildings in LOTR Rise To War are not as difficult to upgrade and do not take as much time as they do in other games. So it’s not a big deal if you upgrade them in the wrong order. Also, check our LOTR Rise To War tier list to know what commanders are currently the best in the game.