How to Get the Gold Curse in Sea of Thieves

How to Get the Gold Curse in Sea of Thieves

Ready to flex some serious pirate swagger? The Gold Curse in Sea of Thieves is the ultimate show of dedication and grit. An ultra-rare cosmetic effect unlocked by only 0.33% of players. If you’re itching to join that exclusive club, you’ve docked at the right port.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll chart the course for earning that gleaming Gold Curse and dish out a few tips to keep you from walking the plank along the way. Hoist the sails, and let’s dive in!

What Is the Gold Curse?

How to unlock the Gold Curse in Sea of Thieves

Think of the Gold Curse as the pinnacle of piratical prestige. An eye-popping cosmetic that coats parts of your pirate’s body in shimmering gold. Rocking this look is like wearing a neon sign that screams “I’ve seen it all on the Sea of Thieves!” It’s not just for show either; this is an achievement that demands dedication, skill, and a hefty chunk of your time. Trust us, it’s worth every sunken sloop along the way.

Tall Tales in Sea of Thieves

Unlocking the Gold Curse

So, how do you secure this piece of gilded greatness? Simple (sort of). The Gold Curse requires you to complete all nine Tall Tales in Sea of Thieves with 100% completion each. That means hunting down all journals, replaying tales multiple times, and mastering every twist in these seafaring stories. It’s no small feat, but hey, being part of the elite 0.33% never is.

  • Study Up on Tall Tales: Each Tall Tale comes loaded with hidden journals and unique objectives. Don’t skip the reading, you’ll need these clues to check every box.
  • Team Up: While you can go it alone, joining a crew can speed up the process and make the grind more bearable (plus, four sets of eyes = fewer missed journals).
  • Stay Organized: Jot down which journals you’ve found and which versions of each Tall Tale you’ve completed. Repetition is key, so keep track to avoid confusion.

Rarity of Gold Curse

A completion rate of just 0.33% might sound intimidating, and that’s kind of the point. Sea of Thieves is packed with secrets, and the Gold Curse is one of the toughest to nab. Showcasing it in-game is a surefire way to earn nods of respect, this cosmetic is practically a gold-plated trophy for your pirate’s chest (pun totally intended).

How the Gold Curse Looks

The Gold Curse isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair. It’ll vary depending on:

  • Body Type: Got a hulking brute or a petite swashbuckler? The coverage and look of the gold will adjust accordingly.
  • Clothing & Other Cosmetics: What you wear can either highlight or hide portions of that flashy gold. Plan your outfit for maximum eye-candy.

Pro tip: Try pairing minimal clothing items with the curse for that “walking treasure chest” vibe, because if you’ve got it, flaunt it.

How Much Time Will You Sink?

Earning the Gold Curse isn’t a weekend project. On average, expect to invest around 40+ hours of in-game time, assuming no pesky Kraken or rival pirate crews throw a wrench in your plans. Patience is key here; you’ll be replaying Tall Tales and searching for journals in places you’ve already explored. If you’re easily bored, consider mixing it up with other voyages in between your Tall Tale runs.