Sea of Thieves Red Ship Cloud

Sea of Thieves Red Ship Cloud

The Chest of Fortune is something that the eleventh season of Sea of Thieves brings to the seas. This sought-after chest, which was once a part of several forts, is now associated with the Fleet of Fortune event.

Your signal is when you spot a large red ship cloud in the sky. It signifies the Fleet of Fortune’s arrival. This is a unique occasion connected to that characteristic red cloud; it’s not your normal skeleton crew encounter.

Engaging with the Red Ship Cloud (Skeleton Fleet)

Engaging with the Red Ship Cloud (Skeleton Fleet)

Spotting the red cloud in Sea of Thieves means it’s game time. The Skeleton Fleet under this cloud is more than just for show. You’ll need to battle through waves of Skeleton Ships, ultimately targeting the Skeleton Captain’s ship. Taking down the Captain’s ship is the key to completing the event.

The game dynamically adjusts the challenge based on your ship and crew size.

  • Sloops with small crews face fewer Skeleton Sloops.
  • Galleons with larger crews face tougher Skeleton Galleons.

This system keeps the event balanced and fair, regardless of your ship or crew size.

Victory and Rewards

After defeating the Skeleton Captain’s ship, it’s time for loot—and plenty of it. The highlight of the rewards is the Chest of Fortune, a rare and exclusive item.

However, this chest is not something you can get by sinking a regular Skeleton Captain’s ship or initiating a Skeleton Fleet through a Raid Voyage. Those are standard Skeleton Fleet World Events, which don’t include the Chest of Fortune. This prized chest is exclusive to the Fleet of Fortune event.

Fleet of Fortune’s Unique Challenge

The Fleet of Fortune isn’t just another day at sea. It’s a unique challenge that combines strategy, combat, and a bit of luck. The red ship cloud is your starting line, signaling the beginning of an intense and rewarding battle.

The Chest of Fortune makes it all worthwhile, setting this event apart from regular skeleton ship skirmishes. With its own rules and exclusive rewards, the Fleet of Fortune is a standout feature of Sea of Thieves’ eleventh season.