How To Unstuck Ship in Sea of Thieves

How To Unstuck Ship in Sea of Thieves

Ship navigation in Sea of Thieves is all about braving the open waters, but every old salt knows accidents happen. From tricky sandbanks to sneaky rock formations, it is surprisingly easy to wedge your ship in a spot even the strongest gales cannot budge. If you find yourself stuck, do not panic. This guide offers a handful of handy methods to set your sloop, brig, or galleon free and get back to the plunder you set out for.

Fix Your Ship

Before you attempt any daring maneuvers, make sure your ship is seaworthy. It is easy to get tunnel vision and forget that a damaged hull could spell disaster once you manage to break free. Scan the lower deck for leaks, patch any holes with a few trusty planks, and bail out the water. No point celebrating your newly liberated ship if it is moments away from going under.

Unstuck Ship in Sea of Thieves

Unstuck Ship in Sea of Thieves

After you have patched up, shift your focus to some simple sailing tweaks. If you have got your sails down or your wheel cranked, you are essentially fighting against your own boat. Pull up all the sails to cut forward momentum, then straighten the wheel. If your anchor is still in the depths, it is time to hoist it. With the anchor up and sails raised, your ship might start sliding off that sandbar or rock on its own.

Sometimes, however, the easy route will not cut it. If your ship still refuses to move, you might need a bit of back-and-forth finesse. Slowly alternate steering left and right while inching the ship in reverse. Patience is key here. Remember to keep an eye on the hull for any fresh damage. If another rock hole appears, patch it quick so you do not sink in the middle of your getaway attempt.

Utilizing Gunpowder Barrels

If you are craving a more explosive method, then gunpowder barrels are your best friends. Once your wheel is straight and your sails are secure, place a gunpowder barrel a short distance from your ship and light it up. The resulting explosion can jolt your vessel free from its stubborn perch. Just be cautious not to blow yourself or your ship to Davy Jones in the process.

Getting stuck in Sea of Thieves might feel like the end of the world, but with a few simple fixes or a well-placed explosion, you will be sailing into the sunset before you know it. Happy voyages, pirates. May the winds favor your sails and your treasure chests overflow.