Talents are one of the most important things that you have to choose for your units and leaders in Warcraft Rumble. Each leader and unit has 3 different talents that you can choose from. Each talent is unique, and choosing the right talent will drastically boost your performance.
For example, an average unit with the right talent will perform better than a good unit with the wrong talent. An additional problem with talents in Warcraft Rumble is that if you pick the wrong one, you will have to collect 10 stars to unlock the second slot and 25 to unlock the third slot which is a lot of work especially if you are free to play as a player.
So make sure that you look down below to see where you will find the best talent for each leader and unit, so you can have the best talent from the start.
Each Warcraft Rumble talent costs 250 gold, and to unlock talent slots, you will need:
- Talent 1: 4 stars – 360 gold
- Talent 2: 10 stars – 900 gold
- Talent 3: 25 stars – 2250 gold
If you need additional help and have questions about talent build, feel free to ask in the commander section. Also, do not forget to check out the Warcraft Rumble tier list and check out the best leaders list.
Warcraft Rumble Best Talents List
Unit Name | Best Talent |
Quilboar | Tunnel Vision: Deploy much more quickly. |
Whelp Eggs | Whelp Eggs: Damage nearby enemies when hatching. |
Pyromancer | Conflagrate: Splash area is doubled. |
Huntress | Elven Might: Deal 50% additional damage to the initial target. |
Blizzard | Wing Buffet: Increases move speed by 33%. |
Harpies | Infectious Swipes: Gain Poison. |
Earth Elemental | Obsidian Shard: On death, split into two smaller Earth Elementals. |
Defias Bandits | Pick Lock: Earn an extra +2 Gold when opening chests. |
Stonehoof Tauren | Momentum: After connecting a charge, immediately charge a second time if possible. |
S.A.F.E. Pilot | Gnomish Cloaking Device: Deploy from the explosion with Stealth and Ambush. |
Deep Breath | Melting Point: Damaging Armored enemies removes their Armor. |
Drake | Mother Drake: Periodically summon a Whelp Egg. |
Frostwolf Shaman | Earth Shield: Grant Armored to a nearby ally. Ability has 1 charge. |
Gargoyle | Wing Buffet: Increases move speed by 33%. |
Ghoul | Bone Shield: Cannibalizing grants Armored for 10 seconds. |
Gryphon Rider | Air Drop: Periodically drop a potion, Leveling Up the first ally to touch it. |
Necromancer | Jeweled Skulls: Summon Skeletal Mages instead of Skeletons. |
Abomination | Cannonball: On deploy and at 50% health, stun nearby enemies for 5 seconds. |
Banshee | Will of the Necropolis Gears: Fully Heal the possessed target. |
Bat Rider | Enchanted Vials: Increase the size of the flaming pool by 30%. |
Chain Lightning | Brilliant Flash: On deploy, Stun enemies within for 1 second. |
Core Hounds | Eternal Bond: Resurrection range is unlimited. |
Darkspear Troll | Darkspear Troll: Big Bad Voodoo |
Execute | Bloodthirsty: Bloodlust allies within spell area for 10 seconds. |
Firehammer | Blazing Speed: Fury builds up to 40% higher. |
Flamewaker | Engulf: Burn enemies. |
Gnoll Brute | Rabid: Reduce deploy cost by 1 and gain the Cycle trait. |
Goblin Sapper | Rocket Powered Turbo Boots: Move twice as fast and gain the Fast trait. |
Harvest Golem | Trojan Chickens: On death, spawn 4 Angry Chickens. |
Holy Nova | Inner Fire: Affected allies gain Armored and Resist for 5 seconds. |
Meat Wagon | Filet Trebuchet: Increase Bombard Range by +2. |
Murloc Tidehunters | Safety Bubble: Deploy with a bubble that blocks the first attack. |
Prowler | Pack Leader: Grants nearby Beast allies 30% additional Damage. |
Skeleton Party | 5-Man: Summons a Skeleton Tank, Rogue, Priest, and 2 Mages. |
Skeletons | Exhume: If deployed near a Tower or Meeting Stone, deploy +2 additional Skeletons. |
Warsong Raider | Razing Focus: Become a Siege unit, ignoring troops. |
Worgen | Premeditation: Increase Ambush damage by 50%. |
Dark Iron Miner | Dark Iron Armaments: After Mining, gain Armored. |
Fire Elemental | Immolation Aura: Periodically Damage nearby enemies. |
Footmen | Fortification: Gain 30% extra emtpy Health. |
Ogre Mage | Frostfire Bolt: Gain Frost. |
Polymorph | Golden Fleece: One sheep becomes golden. Killing it grants +1 gold. |
Smoke Bomb | Reverberation: Affected minis Move 50% faster until unstealthed. |
Spiderlings | Envenom: Deal twice as much Poison damage. |
Cheat Death | Vampirism: Affected minis are Healed when dealing damage. |
Vultures | Migration: All additional Vultures spawn at your base. |
Warsong Grunts | Command: Nearby Beast allies deal 30% additional Damage. |
Raptors | Strength In Numbers: Deal 10% more damage for each other Raptor nearby. |
Angry Chickens | Walking Crate: Deploy in a protective crate. When destroyed, Chickens emerge. |
Plague Farmer | Splashing Pumpkins: Increase Range by+1 and double the Splash area. |
Mountaineer | Intimidation: Bear gains Taunt. |
Molten Giant | Blood Of The Mountain: On death, explode, Damaging nearby enemies. |
Arcane Blast | Amplification: Sequential taps increase radius by 1. |
Living Bomb | Chain Reaction: Splash damage inflicts Living Bomb. |
Baron Rivendare | Chill Of The Grave: Summon Skeletal Mages instead of Warriors. |
Tirion Fordring | Divine Shield: Gain a magical shield at 30% health, absorbing all damage for 5 seconds. |
Hogger | Ham Hock: Hogger also gains +10% max health each time he is played. |
Rend Blackhand | Scale and Steel: Gain Resistant while flying and Armored while dismounted. |
Grommash Hellscream | Savage Strikes: Deal double damage to enemies who are below 50% health. |
Cairne Bloodhoof | Reincarnation: After death, Resurrect at 50% health, once. |
Sneed | Lead With Greed: Gain an additional +2 Gold when Sneed triggers Sneed Before Greed. |
General Drakkisath | Chromatic Scales: Grants nearby allies the Resistant trait. |
Sylvanas Windrunner | Black Arrow: Pierce through enemies in a line, dealing Elemental damage. |
Old Murk-Eye | Marathon Of The Murlocs: March of the Murlocs lasts an additional 5 seconds longer after deploying. |
Maiev Shadowsong | Enveloping Shadows: Cast Smoke Bomb on deploy, Stealthing nearby allies. |
Jaina Proudmoore | Clearcasting: Spells cost 1 less (but no less than 1) if played immediately after Jaina. |
Bloodmage Thalnos | Drain Life: Gain Lifesteal. |
Charlga Razorflank | Cavernous Mists: Deploy cost reduced by 1. |