Warcraft Rumble Tier List : Best Leaders & Units 2025

Warcraft Rumble Tier List Best Leaders & Units

If youā€™re diving into Warcraft Rumble, figuring out which units and leaders to invest in can feel overwhelming. There are tons of options, and while that means endless possibilities for builds, not all combos are created equal. Some leaders and units just dominate across the board, while othersā€¦ not so much. Thatā€™s where this tier list comes in, itā€™s here to help you figure out whoā€™s worth your time (and gold).

The reality is, upgrading in Warcraft Rumble can be expensive and time-consuming, so you donā€™t want to waste resources on units that arenā€™t pulling their weight. Focusing on the best leaders and units will make your life easier, helping you progress faster and win more matches. This is especially important if youā€™re playing as a free-to-play player since resources can be pretty tight.

That said, no tier list is perfect. Everyoneā€™s got their own playstyle, and what works for one person might not work for you. If youā€™ve got thoughts or disagree with some of the rankings, feel free to share! The best way to improve is to test things yourself. Try different builds, watch YouTube guides, and read up on what each unit actually does. The more you experiment, the better youā€™ll get at figuring out what works for you.

Tier system and grades

  • Tier S: Overpowered. They are the best units in the game.
  • Tier A: balanced. Units that are great, and they will work with the majority of builds.
  • Tier B: Slightly Underpowered Units that are still usable, but change them as soon as you can.
  • Tier C: Underpowered. As a beginner, you can use them, but change them as soon as you get new units.
  • Tier F: The Worst Never use these units.

Warcraft Rumble Best Units Tier List

Unit Name Tier Rating
Quilboartier S
Whelp Eggstier S
Pyromancertier S
Huntresstier S
Blizzardtier S
Harpiestier S
Earth Elementaltier S
Defias Banditstier S
Stonehoof Taurentier A
S.A.F.E. Pilottier A
Deep Breathtier A
Draketier A
Frostwolf Shamantier A
Gargoyletier A
Ghoultier A
Gryphon Ridertier A
Necromancertier A
Abominationtier B
Bansheetier B
Bat Ridertier B
Chain Lightningtier B
Core Houndstier B
Darkspear Trolltier B
Executetier B
Firehammertier B
Flamewakertier B
Gnoll Brutetier B
Goblin Sappertier B
Harvest Golemtier B
Holy Novatier B
Meat Wagontier B
Murloc Tidehunterstier B
Prowlertier B
Skeleton Partytier B
Skeletonstier B
Warsong Raidertier B
Worgentier B
Dark Iron Minertier C
Fire Elementaltier C
Footmentier C
Ogre Magetier C
Polymorphtier C
Smoke Bombtier C
Spiderlingstier C
Cheat Deathtier C
Vulturestier C
Warsong Gruntstier C
Raptorstier F
Angry Chickenstier F
Plague Farmertier F
Mountaineertier F
Molten Gianttier F
Arcane Blasttier F
Living Bombtier F

Warcraft Rumble Best Leader Tier List

Leader NameTier Rating
Baron Rivendaretier S
Tirion Fordringtier S
Hoggertier A
Rend Blackhandtier A
Grommash Hellscreamtier A
Cairne Bloodhooftier B
Sneedtier B
General Drakkisathtier B
Sylvanas Windrunnertier B
Old Murk-Eyetier C
Maiev Shadowsongtier C
Jaina Proudmooretier C
Bloodmage Thalnostier F
Charlga Razorflanktier F

Warcraft Rumble Tier List

Name Tier RatingType
Angry ChickensFUnit
Arcane BlastFSpell
Baron RivendareSLeader
Bat RiderBUnit
Bloodmage ThalnosFLeader
Cairne BloodhoofBLeader
Chain LightningBSpell
Charlga RazorflankFLeader
Cheat DeathCSpell
Core HoundsBUnit
Dark Iron MinerCUnit
Darkspear TrollBUnit
Deep BreathASpell
Defias BanditsSUnit
Earth ElementalSUnit
Fire ElementalCUnit
Frostwolf ShamanAUnit
General DrakkisathBLeader
Gnoll BruteBUnit
Goblin SapperBUnit
Grommash HellscreamALeader
Gryphon RiderAUnit
Harvest GolemBUnit
Holy NovaBSpell
Jaina ProudmooreCLeader
Living BombFSpell
Maiev ShadowsongCLeader
Meat WagonBUnit
Molten GiantFUnit
Murloc TidehuntersBUnit
Ogre MageCUnit
Old Murk-EyeCLeader
Plague FarmerFUnit
Rend BlackhandALeader
S.A.F.E. PilotAUnit
Skeleton PartyBUnit
Smoke BombCSpell
Stonehoof TaurenAUnit
Sylvanas WindrunnerBLeader
Tirion FordringSLeader
Warsong GruntsCUnit
Warsong RaiderBUnit
Whelp EggsSUnit